CSU honours theologians

11 DECEMBER 2015

Two leading Australian theologians will be presented with honorary titles and awards by CSU in Canberra on Monday.

Two leading Australian theologians will be presented with honorary titles and awards by Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Canberra on Monday.

The Reverend Professor James Haire, AC will be presented the honorary title of Emeritus Professor of the University and The Reverend Dr John Brown, AM will be presented the honorary title of Doctor of Arts (honoris causa).

They'll be presented by CSU Deputy Chancellor Mr Peter Hayes during the University's annual graduation ceremony in Canberra from 10am on Monday 14 December.

Professor Haire retired from CSU early this year after more than 11 years as a Professor of Theology. He was the Executive Director of the ecumenical body, Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture (ACCC) from 2003 until 2013 and Director of the University's Public and Contextual Theology Research Centre (PACT) from 2005 to 2015.

He previously served as President of Uniting Church in Australia and as President of the National Council of Churches in Australia. Professor Haire took part in the peace negotiations between Christians and Muslims in eastern Indonesia in the 2000s.

His honorary title is in recognition of his 'intellect, vision and commitment to higher education as a means to benefit society and the public good, as well as his outstanding academic leadership, not only on a national but international level'.

Professor Haire will also deliver the Occasional Address to the graduates attending the ceremony.

Dr Brown is being recognised for his significant contribution to theological education and to international relations, especially as a missionary in Korea and also for his service locally to the reconciliation movement.

The achievements of 98 students from the University's School of Theology will be recognised during the graduation ceremony at St Paul's Anglican Church on the corner of Canberra Avenue and Captain Cook Crescent in Manuka.

This includes students from undergraduate and postgraduate programs in theology, ageing and pastoral studies, pastoral counselling, and ministry.  Sixteen graduates will be eligible to receive a Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Ministry.

Media Note:

Photo courtesy of Katherine Spackman.

The Reverend Professor James Haire is a former resident of Canberra and now lives in the Mackay area in Queensland. The Reverend Dr John Brown lives in Canberra. For further information, contact CSU Media.

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