CSU student to hit New York pavements for city marathon

20 OCTOBER 2017

CSU student Zane Sparke is off to New York City next month to take part in the world famous marathon.

The New York City Marathon is the next challenge for a Charles Sturt University (CSU) Indigenous student following his success in a tough 30-kilometre desert run in Central Australia.

Mr Zane Sparke recently qualified for the Marathon on Saturday 11 November by finishing the Alice Springs run as a member of the Indigenous Marathon Project (IMP).

After taking up running at the start of this year, Zane led the 12-member squad across the finish line at Alice Springs in a time of 2:18:16.

A Worimi man from Foster on the NSW Mid North Coast, Zane is also completing his first-year of a Bachelor of Applied Science (Outdoor Recreation and Ecotourism) at CSU in Port Macquarie.

Describing the desert run as the hardest thing he has ever done, Zane said, "I'm so proud of everything that I've done to get to this point. It was amazing."

The CSU student has welcomed the fact the entire 12-member squad has qualified for the New York City Marathon.

"It's just awesome to do it with everyone," Zane said.

squad photo 

Following the run in Alice Springs Zane kicked his toe playing football. After seeing the physiotherapist, he was told he'd sprained ligaments in his toe and sustained bruises to his bones.

"I haven't run since Alice Springs but won't let this hold me back," Zane said.

"I've been keeping my legs moving by riding a stationary bike and hope my toe will be right for the New York Marathon. Regardless, I'll keep running until I can no longer bare any weight on it.

"I've never been overseas before, so I can't wait to go over to the US, give it my best and experience it all," Zane said.

Media Note:

The IMP is a program of the Indigenous Marathon Foundation, a not‐for‐profit Foundation established by former world champion marathon runner Mr Rob de Castella. Each year IMP selects a squad of 12 young Indigenous men and women, to train for the New York City Marathon in November.

The 2017 IMP squad is due to leave for New York City on Wednesday 1 November 2017.

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