CSU has won the carbon reduction category of the 2016 Green Gown Awards, which recognises excellence in sustainability within the tertiary education sector in Australasia.
CSU Green Manager Mr Ed Maher said the award acknowledges the
University's leadership in being declared
certified carbon neutral.
"Charles Sturt University is the first, and currently the only, university in Australia to achieve certified carbon neutrality and our achievement has captured plenty of interest both within the education and sector and among the broader community.
"We are one of only 28 Australian organisations to be officially recognised for reaching this national standard.
"We have continued our downward trend in greenhouse gas emissions over the past nine years from 177 kg CO2-e per square metre in 2011 to zero in 2015."
The win at a ceremony in Mooloolaba on Thursday 3 November follows the recent announcement that the University secured two NSW Government Green Globe Awards: the Climate Change Leadership Award and the Regional Sustainability Award.
Sustainability is a key strategic priority area for CSU, encompassing its teaching, learning and research. The latest report card on the University's achievements, the 2015 Sustainability Scorecard is available through CSU Green.
In addition, CSU was also a finalist in the 2016 Blue Star Sustainability Award – a Keep NSW Beautiful program.
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