Increased offers to CSU prospective students in 2018

21 DECEMBER 2017

There’s further growth in the number of offers made to prospective CSU students for 2018.

There’s further growth in the number of offers made to prospective Charles Sturt University (CSU) students for 2018.

The latest figures reveal 13 605 offers have been made for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees on campus and through CSU online for Session 1 in 2018. That’s up 26 per cent** on the same time in 2016.

The figures come as the Universities Admissions Centre (NSW and ACT) release the December Round 2 offers to Year 12 students. Further offers will be made by UAC in January Round 1 (Friday 12 January 2018) and January Round 2 (Wednesday 31 January).

Another highlight is offers for places in undergraduate programs made through direct applications (including non-school leavers) are up 11 per cent to 6 729 on last year.

CSU Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students) Ms Jenny Roberts said, “Congratulations to all prospective students who have been made an offer by Charles Sturt University whether it be directly or through UAC or Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC).

“While these figures for offers will level out as we move into Session One, the increase bodes well for fulfilling one of our crucial goals at Charles Sturt University - to deliver the workforce of the future.

“However, we remain very concerned about the prospect of higher education funding cuts by the federal government and how this will adversely impact on our regional students and communities.

“While we fear these cuts announced at the end of 2017 will place additional pressure on universities, we will continue lobbying for the higher education sector to retain essential funding for our regional students and our communities

"I must also stress that there are many pathways into higher education, so Year 12 students who have not received an offer to study as yet should look at the many options for later rounds and pathway courses to the University,” Ms Roberts said.

Anyone contemplating study, either on-campus or through CSU online, should telephone CSU on 1800 334 733 (within Australia) or email for advice about available courses, entry requirements, pathways to CSU, and how to apply. Further CSU contact details here.

CSU offers to prospective students for undergraduate, on campus programs in 2018 through all admissions channels**, eg through UAC, VTAC and direct applications:

** Contributing to the variation in 2018 figures include the moving of the UAC main round offers from mid-January forward to late December.

- Albury-Wodonga: 798 offers made for undergraduate on campus programs to date, up 50 per cent on the previous period.

- Bathurst: 1 324 offers made for undergraduate on campus programs to date, up 45 per cent on the previous period.

- Dubbo: 108 offers made for undergraduate on campus programs to date, up more than 80 per cent on the previous period.

- Orange: 247 offers made for undergraduate programs to date, up more than 80 per cent on the previous period.

- Port Macquarie: 990 offers made for undergraduate on campus programs to date, up almost 180 per cent on the previous period.

- Wagga Wagga: 1 826 offers made for undergraduate on campus programs to date, up 68 per cent on the previous period.

Media Note:

Ms Jenny Roberts is the University's Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students), based in Bathurst. Contact CSU Media to arrange interviews.

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Charles Sturt University