Strong growth across CSU for 2017 student offers

19 JANUARY 2017

CSU has experienced strong growth in the number of offers it has made to date to prospective students for 2017.

CSU student at Orientation in 2017Charles Sturt University (CSU) has experienced strong growth in the number of offers it has made to date to prospective students for 2017.

The latest figures show CSU made 14 738 offers for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, to commence in 2017. This is up a healthy 10 per cent on 2016.

These offers include 1 179 main round offers made to school leavers through the NSW University Admissions Centre (UAC) on Wednesday 18 January.

UAC is one of a number of channels through which CSU relies on to make its offers to prospective students. Other channels include direct student applications and Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC).

CSU Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Professor Toni Downes said, "I congratulate all students who have received an offer to study at Charles Sturt University in 2017.

"We are excited to be able to make offers to such a large number of students and we look forward to changing the lives of these students with our distinctive degrees.

"Charles Sturt University has made more than 5 800 offers so far for undergraduate courses on its regional campuses including Albury-Wodonga, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, Port Macquarie and Wagga Wagga. This represents an overall increase of 29 per cent in 2017.

"This is in addition to more than 4 400 offers made for undergraduate programs through CSU online, also up on 2016.

"Our newest campus in Port Macquarie is a particular stand-out as offers for undergraduate degrees have increased by 132 per cent to almost 890."

"This confirms our commitment and the community support for Port Macquarie. We are well on the way to achieving our vision for the NSW Mid North Coast region."

Professor Downes said, "While it is too early to accurately predict how many applicants will accept their offers and join us to pursue their higher education, we are confident that intake numbers will be larger, based on the increased number of offers we have made.

"Students who have not received an offer to study as yet should not be disheartened because there are many options for later rounds and pathway courses to the University.

"I must stress that the UAC main round offers are not the final opportunity for students to study at Charles Sturt University," Professor Downes said. "We have a variety of pathways to assist students in achieving their study and career goals."

Anyone contemplating study, either on-campus or online, should telephone CSU on 1800 334 733 for advice about available courses, entry requirements, pathways to CSU, and how to apply.

Main round offers through UAC close on Sunday 5 February.

Media Note:

CSU offers to prospective students for undergraduate programs in 2017 by campus through all channels, eg through UAC, VTAC and direct applications:

- Albury-Wodonga: 1 008 offers made for undergraduate programs to date, up 7 per cent on 2016

- Bathurst: 1 541 offers made for undergraduate programs to date, up 10 per cent on 2016.

- Dubbo: 105 offers made for undergraduate programs to date, slightly down on 2016.

- Orange: 317 offers made for undergraduate programs to date, up 52 per cent on 2016

- Port Macquarie: 887 offers made for undergraduate programs to date, up 132 per cent on 2016.

- Wagga Wagga: 2 016 offers made for undergraduate programs to date, up 32 per cent.

Professor Toni Downes is the University's Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) based in Bathurst. Contact CSU Media to arrange interviews.

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Wagga WaggaCharles Sturt UniversityCSU studentsHigher education