Students celebrated at CSU Albury-Wodonga graduations

1 JANUARY 2003

CSU in Albury-Wodonga will celebrate the achievements of more than one thousand students at the annual graduation ceremonies on Thursday and Friday this week.

Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Albury-Wodonga will celebrate the achievements of more than one thousand students at the annual graduation ceremonies on Thursday and Friday this week.

Approximately 1 300 students are eligible to graduate from 162 programs on Thursday 17 and Friday 18 December. Nine hundred and forty-nine students are due to attend the ceremonies and are expected to be joined by more than 2 000 guests at the Albury Entertainment Centre.

Highlights include:

9.30am Thursday 17 December

Approximately 216 graduates and more than 600 guests are due to attend this ceremony.

Graduates are from the Faculty of Science, including the School of Community Health and the School Nursing, Midwifery and Indigenous Health.

The Occasional Address will be delivered by Professor David Kemp from the CSU School of Agricultural and Wine Sciences. Professor Kemp recently received China's top award for foreign experts for his work in sustainable farming.

Awards will be conferred by CSU Deputy Chancellor Mr Peter Hayes.

For Dr Lisa Brown, CSU lecturer in speech pathology, the award of her PhD marks a significant personal milestone showing that perseverance can lead to great reward. Dr Brown has completed her research over more than eight years while juggling study, a career and being a single parent. Her research investigated three different treatment methods for reducing stuttering.

3pm Thursday 17 December

Approximately 233 graduates and more than 630 guests are due to attend this ceremony.

Graduates are from the:

  • Faculty of Arts, including the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, the School of Communication and Creative Industries, and the School of Psychology;
  • Faculty of Education, including the School of Education, the School of Teacher Education, the School of Indigenous Australian Education, and the School of Information Studies; and
  • Faculty of Science, including the School of Environmental Sciences, the School of Biomedical Sciences, the School of Dentistry and Health Services, the School of Agricultural and Wine Sciences, the School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, and the School of Human Movement Studies.

The Occasional Address will be delivered by Councillor for Greater Hume Shire Council, Ms Denise Osborne.

Awards will be conferred by CSU Deputy Chancellor Mr Peter Hayes.

Dr Yalmambirra is a Wiradjuri elder, whose mother was born in Forbes and is a direct descendent Wiradjuri woman. He grew up in Sydney, but moved to Albury in 1997 as a 'dare' to commence University studies. He has been studying since then and also works as a lecturer at CSU in Indigenous land management. He will be awarded a PhD for his unique research into "Indigenous cultures in contemporary Australia: A Wiradjuri case study". By giving voice to Wiradjuri people, his research challenges the notion of 'superior' peoples and cultures, challenges governments and society to recognise Wiradjuri, and in doing so, contributes to the decolonising of Indigenous peoples across Australia.

Dr Alexandra Knight will be awarded her PhD for research undertaken with the Institute for Land, Water and Society (ILWS) which has provided new knowledge of the ecology of the rare and little-known Australian frog, Sloane's Froglet.

Mr Luke Pearce will receive his Master of Philosophy for his work breeding and reintroducing endangered native fish species the Southern Pygmy Perch into its former habitat in the Lachlan, Murrumbidgee and Murray rivers.

University Medal winner Ms Sarah Toole will graduate with a Bachelor of Education (K-12 Middle Schooling) and will also receive three prizes: the Australian Curriculum Studies Association Award for Excellence, the Border English Teachers' Association (BETA) Pre-Service Innovation and Excellence Award, and the English Teachers Association of NSW Scholarship Award.

Ms Fiona Fenton will graduate with a Bachelor of Social Work and is the winner of the Western District Family and Community Services (FACS) and Charles Sturt University Social Work Prize worth $1 000. This prize is awarded to the highest achieving student who has undertaken their final social work practicum in a regional/remote location in NSW with FACS or with a funded community partner in the non-government sector working with children, adults, families and communities to improve lives and realise potential.

9.30am Friday 18 December

Approximately 262 graduates and more than 650 guests are due to attend this ceremony.

Graduates are from the Faculty of Business, including the School of Accounting and Finance and the School of Management and Marketing.

The Occasional Address will be delivered by Assistant Commissioner of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), Ms Kathryn Anderson.

Awards will be conferred by CSU Vice-Chancellor Professor Andrew Vann.

Bhutanese refugee Mr Dilli Khanal came to Albury with his family in 2009 after spending 18 years in a refugee camp in Nepal and will graduate with a Bachelor of Business (Management). He is the first person from the Bhutanese community to graduate from university with this degree. Mr Khanal chose to study at CSU in Albury so he could support his family while studying and as part of his degree has done work placements at Regional Development Australia – Murray, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia in Albury, and Albury Northside Chamber of Commerce.

Ms Jessica Zahrooni will graduate with a Bachelor of Accounting and is receiving three prizes: the CPA Australia Prize, the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand Prize in Final Year Accounting, and Johnsons MME Chartered Accountants Award for Outstanding Achievement on Albury Campus.

3pm Friday 18 December

Approximately 238 graduates and more than 500 guests are due to attend this ceremony.

Graduates are from the Faculty of Business and are all from the School of Computing and Maths.

The Occasional Address will be delivered by Deputy Chairman of Regional Express Holdings Limited (Rex), The Hon. John Sharpe.

Awards will be conferred by CSU Vice-Chancellor Professor Andrew Vann.

Media Note:

CSU Media Officer Fiona Halloran will be at the 9.30am ceremony on Thursday 17 December. Contact Fiona on 0439 475 315 to arrange interviews.

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Albury-WodongaCharles Sturt University