for undergraduate, on-campus courses at Charles Sturt University (CSU) has
reached a five-year high.
Reflecting CSU's objective to provide courses which are relevant to the needs of its regional communities, CSU will make over 1 360 offers in the main round releases through the NSW University Admissions Centre (UAC) and Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) this week.
Main round offers through UAC will be released at 6pm AEST on Wednesday 20 January and VTAC main round offers were emailed to applicants on Monday 18 January.
"On behalf of Charles Sturt University I would like to congratulate all students who have received an offer to study at university in 2016 and we are excited to be able to make offers to such a large number of students," Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Professor Toni Downes said.
"So far, Charles Sturt University has made over 5 800 offers for undergraduate courses on its regional campuses which is an overall increase of 14 per cent. We will also be making more offers in the coming weeks."
Demand for CSU Online undergraduate and postgraduate courses also remains very strong and as at 20 January approximately 8 400 online offers have been sent, which is 12 per cent more than at the same time in 2015. Further offers will continue to be made over the next six weeks.
Professor Downes said, "While it is too early to accurately predict how many applicants will accept their offers and join us to study at Charles Sturt University, we are confident that intake numbers will be larger, based on the increased number of offers we have made."
"Students who have not received an offer to study as yet should not be disheartened because there are many options for later rounds and pathway courses.
"Tonight's UAC offers are not the final opportunity for students to study at CSU; we have a variety of pathways to assist students in achieving their study and career goals," Professor Downes said.
It is not too late to apply to study in 2016. CSU has the capacity to take additional students in most courses. Anyone contemplating study either on-campus or online should call CSU for advice on courses available, entry requirements and pathways to CSU, and how to apply. Please call 1800 334 733.
Notes on demand and offers by campus
All CSU campuses have made an increased number of offers to students applying to undergraduate courses in 2016 compared to 2015 at this time.
Albury-Wodonga: 1 303 applications with 1 090 offers made to date, up 8 per cent on 2015 and the best demand in five years.
Most popular discipline areas are allied health, teacher education and environmental science. Most popular courses are physiotherapy, nursing, education (K-12) and (early childhood/primary), occupational therapy, and health and rehabilitation science.
Bathurst: 2 100 applications with 1 757 offers made to date, up 7 per cent on 2015 and the best demand in five years.
Most popular discipline areas are allied health, communications and teacher education. Most popular courses are clinical science (paramedic), communications, nursing, criminal justice, education (K-12) and early childhood/primary) and exercise and sports science.
The total includes the initial intake for the Bachelor of Technology/Master of Engineering (Civil Systems) course which is an exciting development for CSU and the course is tracking well.
Dubbo: 148 applications with 118 offers made to date, up 33 per cent on 2015. Nursing and early childhood/primary education are the most popular courses.
Orange: 519 applications with281 offers made to date, up 16 per cent on 2015 and the best demand in five years.
Most popular courses are the allied health offerings in dental science, physiotherapy, pharmacy and clinical science.
Port Macquarie: 723 applications with525 offers made to date, up 26 per cent on 2015 and in line with CSU's projections for the campus.
Most popular courses include criminal justice, clinical science (paramedic) and medical radiation science, teacher education (K-12), and creative arts and design.
Wagga Wagga: 2438 applications with 2023 offers made to date, up 13 per cent on 2015 and the best demand in five years.
Most popular disciplines include: agriculture, arts, education and allied health. Most popular courses include veterinary science, animal science, agriculture, medical radiation science, nursing, teacher education (K-12) and (early childhood/primary), stage and screen (television), and (acting) and creative arts and design.
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