Saving energy: easy as EPC

21 JULY 2015

CSU is set to reduce its annual energy consumption and carbon footprint by three per cent with an energy performance contract.

Charles Sturt University (CSU) is set to reduce its annual energy consumption and carbon footprint by three per cent with an energy performance contract (EPC).

CSU, in partnership with Conservia, designed the contract to help the University reach its sustainability target of being carbon neutral by the end of 2015.

The EPC will be delivered across 17 buildings at CSU in Wagga Wagga and Bathurst.

It will help the University reduce annual electricity consumption by more than

800 000 kilowatt hours (kWh), which has the same impact as switching off two million light bulbs for one day.

In addition, annual natural gas consumption will be cut by more than 2 000 gigajoules (GJ), or the equivalent of running about 30 000 barbeques for an hour.

CSU Green energy manager Mr Chris O'Connor said, "To meet the targets set out in the EPC the University will carry out a range of works, including heating ventilation and cooling upgrades, replacement of interior and exterior lighting with energy-efficient globes, installation of building management systems and upgrades to water fixtures.

"The EPC has a seven-year performance guarantee. That is, the contractor must demonstrate, through an industry-standard measurement and verification process, that the identified savings have been achieved."

As an example, the contract will guarantee annual savings of $55 000 in the Learning Commons building at CSU in Wagga Wagga. The Learning Commons is a popular building on campus, housing the William Merrylees Library, several computer hubs and dedicated learning spaces.

Completion of the works at CSU in Wagga Wagga is due early September, 2015, with the works in Bathurst to follow from mid-September, 2015. 

Read more about CSU's sustainability record in CSU News here and find out more about EPC here.

Media Note:

Contact CSU Media to arrange interviews. Photos are also available for CSU Media.

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BathurstWagga WaggaCharles Sturt UniversityEnvironmental Sciences