Former Charles Sturt employee awarded OAM

29 JANUARY 2025

Former Charles Sturt employee awarded OAM

A former Charles Sturt University employee was awarded an OAM on Australia Day for services to broadcast media.

  • A former Charles Sturt University employee was awarded an OAM on Australia Day for services to broadcast media
  • Mr Ian Stanistreet co-founded National Radio News during his time at the University community radio station 2MCE-FM
  • Mr Stanistreet has had an illustrious career in broadcast media for more than 40 years  

A former Charles Sturt University employee has received the honour of being awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in the General Division by the Governor-General on Australia Day.

Mr Ian Stanistreet received the OAM for his service to broadcast media which spans more than 40 years.

The Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia Her Excellency the Honourable Ms Sam Mostyn AC announced Honours and Awards for 732 Australians on Australia Day, including awards in the Order of Australia (General and Military Divisions), meritorious awards and recognition for distinguished and conspicuous service.

“Congratulations to all of the 2025 Australia Day honours recipients. Thank you for your work of care and service to our nation,” the Governor-General said.

“To read recipient stories is to be reminded that contribution to communities across the country, underpinned by care, kindness, respect and love, is what matter most to all Australians, in every sphere of life. Recipients embody the best of us, and we are grateful to all of them.”

Mr Stanistreet commenced his career in broadcast media at the age of 26 at community radio station 3PBS in Melbourne. He then became station manager at Charles Sturt University’s 2MCE-FM on the Bathurst campus from 1992 to 2000.

During his time at 2MCE, Mr Stanistreet worked with academic staff to found National Radio News (NRN), the news service for the community broadcasting sector that currently reaches 1.5 million listeners per week.

He worked with colleagues from Charles Sturt’s School of Communication (now the School of Information and Communication Studies) to create a work-integrated learning environment for Communication students in the newsroom.

Mr Stanistreet was humbled to receive the OAM from the Governor-General.

“It’s been a joy to receive this recognition of my contribution to broadcast media via the community broadcasting sector,” Mr Stanistreet said. “The award was quite unexpected and all the sweeter for it.

“Involvement in community broadcasting gave me a sense of purpose and provided many opportunities for personal and professional development over the years.

“I loved my work and how it brought me into contact with people from all walks of life.”

Mr Stanistreet said stations like 2MCE-FM are a valued resource for the communities they serve.

“They create connections, reinforce community identity and promote social harmony. They create social benefits in so many ways,” he said.

“While mass media faces rapid change and challenge, retaining local, independent, volunteer-driven, community-owned media has never been more important.”

2025 was the 50th anniversary of Australia’s honours system.

In addition to the 457 recipients of awards in the General Division of the Order of Australia (6 AC, 23 AO, 108 AM and 320 OAM), the Australia Day Honours list included:

  • 25 recipients of awards in the Military Division of the Order of Australia (1 AO, 11 AM and 13 OAM)
  • 196 Meritorious awards
  • 3 Distinguished and 51 Conspicuous awards

Recipients will attend investiture ceremonies at the Government House in their respective state or territory in the coming months to receive the insignia of their award.

This list also includes 24 Australians recognised for their contribution in support of Australia’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Media Note:

For further information, contact Trease Clarke at Charles Sturt Media on 0409 741 789 or

Photo caption - L to R: Ms Katrina Frost, Mr Ian Stanistreet, Ms Pat Hobbs, Ms Benne Harrison, and Mr Brett Van Heekeren.

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