Grazing industrial hemp: world-first research to inform food regulators

26 AUGUST 2021

Grazing industrial hemp: world-first research to inform food regulators

Charles Sturt University scientists are playing a key role in new research to understand the opportunities to use industrial hemp as a feed source for sheep and cattle.

  • Charles Sturt University researchers are investigating the value of industrial hemp as feed for cattle and sheep
  • The research is examining how long THC is present in meat
  • The findings will provide information to develop the industrial hemp industry

Charles Sturt University scientists are playing a key role in new research to understand the opportunities to use industrial hemp as a feed source for sheep and cattle.

A project funded by AgriFutures Australia and led by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, Western Australia (DPIRD) with Charles Sturt and ChemCentre, aims to provide new information to inform regulators and contribute towards an industry Code of Practice.

Associate Professor Gaye Krebs from the Charles Sturt School of Agricultural, Environmental and Veterinary Sciences and Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation said industrial hemp is an emerging crop that shows great potential but we need to know more about its potential for grazing.

“Hemp is a fast-growing, water efficient annual crop that can be grown in a number of Australian states under strict licence conditions for seeds and fibre,” Professor Krebs said.

“A pilot study carried out at Charles Sturt University in Wagga Wagga identified potential for the crop to be used in livestock feed.

“But it also highlighted the need for more information, particularly around residues of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in meat.”

Industrial hemp contains low levels of the psychoactive compound and under current regulations no detectible THC should enter the food market through animal products.

DPIRD project lead, Dr Bronwyn Blake said globally there’s been very little research about the breakdown of THC in sheep and cattle and how long it remains in tissue after animals have been fed industrial hemp.

“Our research aims to fill in some of those knowledge gaps to provide the information needed by regulators to allow the crop to be grazed by animals destined for the food chain,” Dr Blake said.

ChemCentre food scientist Kenneth Dods said, “Hemp seed can be consumed by people because research has enabled a maximum THC and cannabinoid level to be set and we want to provide the data to allow the same for meat product.”

Professor Krebs said the research will build on the findings of the 2020 pilot study, which highlighted the potential value of industrial hemp as a feed source.

“In this new study we will investigate the feed value and potential for residues in meat from feeding green plant material, as opposed to the crop residue, or stubble, that was used in the pilot study.

“We will also begin pharmacokinetics studies to get an understanding of how long it may take the THC residues to be cleared from the meat and the animal.

“The pilot study compared feeding pellets where the roughage component was either from industrial hemp or straw.

“It showed there was no difference in feed intake between the groups but the sheep fed the hemp pellets had improved nutrient utilisation.” Professor Krebs said.

The research is supported by ChemCentre NATA certified analysis to complete these essential regulatory and compliance studies that enhance world first understanding of industrial hemp feed use by ruminants

The Charles Sturt research team involves

The Charles Sturt research team involves Professor Krebs, Drs Scott Edwards, Glenys Nobel, Colin Scrivener, Sameer Pant and Chris Petzel and Honours research student Sarah Stevens.

Media Note:

To arrange interviews with Professor Gaye Krebs please contact Lisa Ditchfield at Charles Sturt Media on mobile 0417 125 795 or

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Wagga WaggaAgricultural ScienceCharles Sturt UniversityGraham Centre