Beyond Medical Education to co-locate at CSU

17 DECEMBER 2010

The Vice-Chancellor and President of CSU, Professor Ian Goulter, today announced that Beyond Medical Education Limited, the leading provider of general practice training for medical graduates in rural and regional NSW and Victoria, will co-locate at CSU in Bathurst to promote improved linkages in rural medical and health education.

Professor Ian Goulter, Vice-Chancellor and President of CSUThe Vice-Chancellor and President of Charles Sturt University (CSU), Professor Ian Goulter, today announced that Beyond Medical Education Limited, the leading provider of general practice training for medical graduates in rural and regional NSW and Victoria, will co-locate at CSU in Bathurst to promote improved linkages in rural medical and health education.
The announcement coincides with Beyond Medical Education’s endorsement of CSU’s proposal to establish of a new medical program in rural NSW. CSU submitted its bid for $98 million in capital funding to the Federal Government to establish an Integrated Health Education Precinct in Orange on Monday 13 December.
“This is another important step on the road to creating a new integrated medical program in rural Australia and for rural Australians,” Professor Goulter said.
“The co-location of Beyond Medical Education on Charles Sturt University’s campus in Bathurst supports the ongoing development of the University’s planned medical school by linking it with one of the largest general practitioner training organisations in regional Australia.
“A major challenge for all medical schools in Australia is to ensure Australian medical graduates can gain access to medical training in hospitals and other health settings, particularly in rural and regional Australia.
“Charles Sturt University’s planned medical school is targeted at rural students and students with a strong interest in rural general practice. Establishing links to Australia’s major rural general practice training provider is critical to ensuring that our medical graduates will be able to complete their training ‘in the bush’ before taking up general practice in rural areas.
“Beyond Medical Education is the premier provider of general practice training for medical graduates in rural and regional NSW and Victoria, and serves the same approximate regions as Charles Sturt University.
“The location of Beyond Medical Education on our campus in Bathurst will help us to align our medical and health education goals and cooperate in a range of areas to strengthen health education and outcomes for rural and regional communities.
“The commitment by Beyond Medical Education to work with Charles Sturt University to train our medical graduates to attain vocational registration through fellowships of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners or the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine is very welcome,” Professor Goulter said.
Beyond Medical Education will relocate in early 2011 to a refurbished building on Panorama Avenue at CSU in Bathurst near the Chancellery in The Grange.
In 1997 the Federal Government established the General Practice Education and Training Limited to deliver the Australian General Practice Training Program. The program is delivered through a number of Regional General Practice Training Providers, including Beyond Medical Education.  Beyond Medical Education provides vocational training programs for medical graduates wishing to pursue a career in rural general practice in Australia. It delivers general practice training to medical graduates in central, north and far western New South Wales, parts of the Murray River region in southern NSW and in north-western rural Victoria. These regions broadly overlap with Charles Sturt University’s campus service regions in Orange, Bathurst, Dubbo and Albury-Wodonga.

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Albury-WodongaBathurstDubboOrangeWagga WaggaCharles Sturt UniversityHealth