Paramedic students from Charles Sturt University (CSU) will fly to Canada next week for an international study tour.
Twelve second and third-year students from the CSU School of Biomedical Sciences in Bathurst will be escorted by lecturer Mr Joe Acker on the three-week trip (10 to 28 June) which starts in Vancouver.
Mr Acker said this is the third international work experience placement for CSU paramedic students.
“Because there are many similarities between Australia and Canada, not least the vast distances, it will be a great learning experience for them, and will assist their careers in Australia or anywhere in the world,” he said.
“This practical international work experience will give the students the opportunity to see how other emergency medicine services operate, and will inspire and motivate them to aspire to a dynamic career here and elsewhere.”
The students will firstly attend the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Chiefs of Canada annual conference, and the International Roundtable on Community Paramedicine, before they gain work experience with the British Columbia Ambulance Service. They will also meet and hear from Ms Alexandra Shanny, an Australian paramedic working in Canada.
“We are spending a day (18 June) touring all of the ambulance operations of the British Columbia Ambulance Service in Vancouver,” Mr Acker said. “The students will then work with paramedics on the ambulances in Vancouver for three or four shifts.
“The tour concludes with a group Rocky Mountain adventure at Whistler for four or five days from 24 June, doing mountain biking, team building and white-water rafting.
“Three students will take an extra week and travel with me to Edmonton, Alberta, to work on the ambulances there on Canada Day (1 July). The students will also have an air ambulance tour, and attend a Canadian gridiron football game.”
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