The significant contribution Dr Margaret Sheldon OAM played in the development of Charles Sturt University (CSU) as a leading educator of health professionals for regional Australia is being remembered following her recent death at the age of 83 years.
“Dr Sheldon was a wonderful supporter of Charles Sturt University such as through the development of the medical imaging program from its very early days,” Head of Campus at CSU in Wagga Wagga, Mr Adrian Lindner said.
Dr Sheldon was the subject of an oral history project being coordinated by Associate Head of the School of Dentistry and Health Sciences at CSU in Wagga Wagga, Associate Professor Sue McAlpin.
In an interview conducted by Professor McAlpin in May this year, Dr Sheldon cited the naming of Charles Sturt University’s radiography building in 1991 in her honour as one of the highlights of her career.
Professor McAlpin said, “the breadth of Dr Sheldon’s experience as a clinician and her commitment to the wider community, including Charles Sturt University, showed she was more than a doctor – she was a pioneer in rural radiological practice.”
Lecturer in Medical Imaging in the School of Dentistry and Health Sciences at CSU in Wagga Wagga, Mr Warren Lusby recalls Dr Sheldon’s hospitality and professional support from the moment he arrived in the city 30 years ago.
“Apart from making me feel most welcome, Dr Sheldon was a key supporter of the development of the medical imaging profession through education in regional Australia,” Mr Lusby said. “She was there to help establish the course in 1978 and again in the mid 1980s when the future of the medical imaging program was uncertain. She was a formidable woman to negotiate with and didn’t suffer fools gladly. However if you gave your best, she would support you to the hilt.”
Dr Sheldon’s support and generosity to CSU included course advisory input, teaching, accepting many students into Riverina Medical Imaging for clinical placement and employing a large number of graduates over the years.
Mr Lusby said that Dr Sheldon’s interest in students and Charles Sturt University was also shown by the many graduation ceremonies she attended over the years.
“It was fitting that Charles Sturt University named a building after Dr Sheldon,” Mr Lusby said. “It ensures her significant contribution will not be forgotten.”
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