CSU welcomes Rural Health Commissioner promise

1 JANUARY 2003

CSU welcomed the announcement that the new role of Rural Health Commissioner will be created if the Coalition wins government.

Professor Andrew VannCharles Sturt University (CSU) welcomed the announcement that the new role of Rural Health Commissioner will be created if the Coalition wins government.

Senator the Hon. Fiona Nash, Minister for Rural Health today announced that the first ever Rural Health Commissioner will be appointed to address the lack of medical professionals in rural, regional and remote areas.

CSU Vice-Chancellor Professor Andrew Vann said, "While there are currently numerous agencies working on rural health we have seen little improvement over the past two decades in fixing issues such as rural doctor shortages and the closure of rural hospitals.

"A dedicated Rural Health Commissioner should help to bring together the resources and experience needed to start the job of fixing our rural health system.

"We welcome this initiative from the Nationals and Senator Nash."

Professor Vann, "What would also be great is if the government appointed a rural Australian as the Rural Health Commissioner, and if the Office of the Rural Health Commissioner is located in a regional centre.

"At the moment every rural health agency is located in a capital city, and we think this is a big part of the problem. 

"The fact is, if you don't live in rural Australia, it is very difficult to understand rural health."

Professor Vann said, "Rural communities will look to the Rural Health Commissioner to be independent on the critical issues of rural health and make independent decisions that will mean investment happens in programs that will work."

Media Note:

Executive Director of the Murray Darling Medical School initiative Mr Mark Burdack is available for interviews. He is based in Orange. Contact CSU Media for more information.

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