Serving the future needs of allied health professionals

30 NOVEMBER 2010

Professor Rob Davidson has returned to where he began his academic career - at CSU.

Professor Rob Davidson has returned to where he began his academic career - at Charles Sturt University (CSU). 
He has been appointed as the first Professor of Medical Imaging at CSU. He is also the new Head of Medical and Radiation Sciences in the School of Dentistry and Health Sciences at CSU in Wagga Wagga.
Professor Rob Davidson. “My appointment is clear recognition by Charles Sturt University that the speciality of medical radiation is a growing area, partly due to the ageing population and the increased access of imaging and therapy services in regional and rural areas,” Professor Davidson said. “The profession is maturing and developing. An undergraduate degree in medical radiation has been available in Australia for the past 20 years. The profession has developed since then as has the demand for research which will be a higher focus in the coming years.”
The discipline of medical radiation includes medical imaging, nuclear medicine, radiation therapy for cancer treatment and ultrasound.
Professor Davidson started his academic career at CSU in 1995 where he spent 11 years as a lecturer and then senior lecturer in medical imaging. He has held various senior academic roles at Curtin University of Technology and RMIT University. Professor Davidson has returned to CSU on Monday 15 November.
He is only the second academic appointed as a Professor of Medical Imaging in Australia.  
“Charles Sturt University has always been a leader in this field with its introduction of a bachelor degree in medical radiation in 1992.” Professor Davidson. “In 2011, the University will introduce the four-year Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science,  incorporating the equivalent of an internship for students, however with improved objectives for students’ clinical skill development. We expect better profession development from the new course.
“There is also a new focus on postgraduate courses by distance education as practising medical radiation scientists upgrade their skills.”  
“I aim to ensure that Charles Sturt University continues to offer high quality courses to meet the needs of professionals in the medical radiation field with a focus on meeting clinical needs in rural and regional Australia,” Professor Davidson said.
Head of the School of Dentistry and Health Sciences, Professor David Wilson said, “We are very pleased and excited to have Rob join the School of Dentistry and Health Sciences at the professorial level. He previously worked at Charles Sturt University so we are glad to have him back.”
“Rob also has a keen interest in ensuring professional standards in medical radiation are maintained and lifted, especially in rural and regional areas.”
Professor Davidson said, “On a personal level, I am happy to be back living and working in Wagga Wagga. It is a wonderful place to live a good life at the same time as pursue a challenging career.”
Professor Davidson’s research interests are primarily in imaging quality and radiation doses in computed / digital radiography and in CT.

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