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Science expands at CSU in Port Macquarie
HEALTH  21 Feb 2017

Science expands at CSU in Port Macquarie

Health science on the NSW Mid North Coast will take a leap forward this week as CSU begins two new programs in Port Macquarie.

CSU studentsAllied healthScienceSociety and Community

What do conscientious objectors to vaccination owe the community?
HEALTH  6 Feb 2017

What do conscientious objectors to vaccination owe the community?

A CSU philosopher argues that conscientious objectors to immunisation should make an appropriate contribution to society in lieu of being vaccinated.

ResearchHealthReligion and EthicsScienceSociety and Community

Positive outlook of young carers in regional Australia
HEALTH  1 Feb 2017

Positive outlook of young carers in regional Australia

Young people in rural and remote Australia who care for a family member with an illness or disability often develop strong family loyalty and connections and a sense of being 'better' people, according to new CSU research.

ResearchHealthSociety and Community

More resources not more tests needed for classrooms
HEALTH  31 Jan 2017

More resources not more tests needed for classrooms

A CSU paediatric speech pathologist argues more resources rather than a new test is the key to helping Australian school children with difficulties in phonics and reading.

Teaching and EducationHealthAllied healthSociety and Community

A professional dilemma: nurses participation in legal executions
HEALTH  30 Jan 2017

A professional dilemma: nurses participation in legal executions

The participation of nurses in legal executions is a dilemma for the profession and a CSU academic believes we shouldn't shy away from debating the issue.

ResearchHealthNursing and midwifery

New academic role to research quality aged care
HEALTH  9 Dec 2016

New academic role to research quality aged care

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed by CSU and Catholic Healthcare to further quality research into residential aged care.

ResearchHealthAllied healthScience

The price of a healthy diet in western NSW
HEALTH  28 Nov 2016

The price of a healthy diet in western NSW

CSU research has found a basic healthy diet can cost up to around a third of some family's income support payments, shining new light on food stress in western NSW.


Breakthrough formula to reduce medical radiation exposure
HEALTH  22 Nov 2016

Breakthrough formula to reduce medical radiation exposure

In a medical imaging breakthrough, a CSU scientist has found a way to reduce a patient's exposure to radiation without compromising scan quality.


CSU student shines as future paramedic
HEALTH  13 Oct 2016

CSU student shines as future paramedic

A CSU paramedicine student has won a national award with the prediction she'll have a 'significant' future impact on her chosen profession.

CSU studentsAllied healthScience

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