- A new initiative in teaching policing and security intelligence garners an industry award for Charles Sturt University
- The postgraduate course brings together industry skills and academic rigour built on standards set by key members of the Australian intelligence community
- The new Charles Sturt Master of Intelligence Analysis has attracted a growing number of students
The award from the Australian Institute of
Professional Intelligence Officers (AIPIO) to the Charles Sturt Australian Graduate School of Policing and
Security (AGSP&S) is in recognition of the development of its new Master of Intelligence
The AIPIO Innovation in Intelligence Award (pictured) recognises a team or person responsible for noteworthy innovation in one or more of the fields of collection, analysis, collaboration, synthesis, report or intelligence leadership.
Dr Troy Whitford, Senior Lecturer in Intelligence and Security Studies in the AGSP&S and Course Coordinator of the Master of Intelligence Analysis, said the University is delighted to be awarded the 2020 Innovation in Intelligence Award.
“The course is a new initiative in teaching intelligence, bringing together industry skills and academic rigour which are built on standards set out by key members of the Australian intelligence community,” Dr Whitford said.
“The award is a welcome acknowledgement of the hard work of the course design team, which includes Associate Professor Patrick Walsh, Dr Charles Vandepeer and Course Director Mr Brian Daly, who were supported by Charles Sturt’s Learning and Teaching Division, specifically Education Designer Ms Vicki Toole.
“The new Master of Intelligence Analysis has attracted growing numbers of students, and we look forward to greater industry collaborations in the future.”
Key components of the Master of Intelligence Analysis include a counter-intelligence subject, a capstone subject promoting lifelong learning, cultural competency, and practice-based assessments using collection and analytical intelligence methods.
The Charles Sturt AGSP&S has a global reputation as a leading provider of research and education for professionals in law enforcement, regulation, emergency management and security.
The AGSP&S is located in Canberra and Manly, and is the world’s largest provider of university education in law enforcement, counterterrorism, emergency management, customs, and border security studies. The School focusses on postgraduate online courses, with a few undergraduate degrees offered online and on-campus at Charles Sturt in Bathurst and Port Macquarie.
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