NSW Premier visits Charles Sturt in Orange

20 MAY 2024

NSW Premier visits Charles Sturt in Orange

Premier impressed with cutting-edge research and innovative work integrated learning.

  • NSW Premier the Hon Chris Minns MP visited Charles Sturt University in Orange on Friday 17 May 2024
  • The Premier toured the University’s state-of-the-art, medical facilities including the School of Rural Medicine and School of Dentistry
  • Premier impressed with cutting-edge research and innovative work integrated learning

NSW Premier the Hon Chris Minns visited Charles Sturt University in Orange on Friday 17 May.

The Premier toured the anatomy laboratory in the Charles Sturt School of Rural Medicine, the pharmacy laboratory, and the University’s Community Dental and Oral Clinic which provides dental services to the public along with practical experience for students.

The Premier also learned of Dr Amandeep Singh Pannu’s groundbreaking renewable energy storage research to transform hair into graphite, a key material in lithium-ion batteries.

Charles Sturt Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Renée Leon ensured the Premier received a first-hand view of the University’s vital role in educating the health professionals much needed in regional communities.

“Students in the Charles Sturt School of Rural Medicine (SRM) undertake all their placements in the regions. During their studies, they are already in communities assisting patients and developing networks which support them putting down roots and remaining there after graduation,” Professor Leon said.

Professor Leon emphasised the need for more Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs) in medicine for the University, which missed out on places for the latest allocation of regional medical places despite being the only regional NSW university medical school.

 “Training students from the regions and in the regions will help to meet the critical shortage of doctors in regional areas,” Professor Leon said.

The Premier was impressed with the Charles Sturt School of Rural Medicine and the impact the University was having on filling critical skills gaps in the healthcare sector in regional NSW.

“It was great to be able to meet with these hardworking students and see the world leading programs they’re undertaking at Charles Sturt University,” Minister Minns said.

“When they graduate every single one of these students will make a valuable difference across regional NSW in their chosen field.”

The Premier and Professor Leon also discussed Charles Sturt’s strong delivery of work integrated learning programs (WIL), which provide students with hands-on experience ensuring they are ready for clinical work as soon as they graduate.

Charles Sturt University welcomed the recent announcement by the Australian Government to provide paid placements for nursing, midwifery, teaching and social work students from July 2025. Given the breadth of work placements across other important workforce disciplines, including dentistry, paramedicine and veterinary science, the University will continue to advocate for more action on ‘placement poverty’.

Professor Leon said increased support from NSW agencies for professional placements would help more students complete their placements and their degrees.

“Many of our students have to travel long distances from home to do their placements,” Professor Leon said. “They need help with travel costs, and accommodation. Without help to meet these costs, we risk losing the students needed to fill the future health workforce.”

The University will continue to advocate on behalf of regional students as the NSW Government develops a new Higher Education Strategy and the Australian Government implements the recommendations of the Accord.


Media Note:

For more information or to arrange interviews, contact Trease Clarke on 0409 741 789 or via news@csu.edu.au

Photo caption – L to R:

Member for Orange Mr Phillip Donato MP; Premier of NSW The Hon. Chris Minns MP; Charles Sturt University Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Renée Leon; Head of Government Relations and Regional Engagement Ms Samantha Beresford; and Director External Engagement Bathurst and Orange Ms Julia Andrews.

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OrangeCharles Sturt UniversityResearchHealthMedicineRural and Regional Health Research Institute