Regional Australia key focus of new Cool Soil partnership

14 JULY 2023

Regional Australia key focus of new Cool Soil partnership

The Cool Soil Initiative has announced a new partnership that puts regional Australia at the forefront, allowing farmers to secure more accurate estimates for greater impact and results.

  • Cool Soil Initiative partners with the Cool Farm Alliance to allow for a more regional-specific focus
  • Charles Sturt University has led the Cool Soil Initiative since 2020
  • The new partnership will allow farmers to obtain accurate estimates of their farms to assure greater impacts

Charles Sturt University is leading an important advancement in the Australian agriculture sector with an initiative that will enable a global on-farm emission calculator (Cool Farm Tool) to be customised for a region-specific focus.

Charles Sturt has led the Cool Soil Initiative since 2020, providing research, data infrastructure and administrative support for the program, including supporting the exhaustive review of the Cool Farm Tool, which provided the evidence to demonstrate the benefit of country-specific values.

Cool Soil announced on Friday 14 July that it will commence a long-term partnership with the Cool Farm Alliance, a non-profit that oversees the Cool Farm Tool. The partnership will allow the Alliance to customise the Cool Farm Tool to target Australia’s unique climate and soils.

The Cool Farm Tool is already used in 150 countries to estimate GHG emissions, soil carbon sequestration, water stewardship and biodiversity by tens of thousands of users, including farmers, crop advisors and agribusiness leaders.

This development will allow farmers to obtain accurate GHG emission and natural capital estimates of their farms while giving companies that buy wheat, canola, maize and other crops greater assurance of the impacts they are supporting through the Initiative.

Charles Sturt’s Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation) Professor Michael Friend said Charles Sturt is proud to be a key driver behind this partnership, through the Cool Soil Initiative, which will be a game-changer for Australian food supply chains.

“This collaboration will not only immediately address the discrepancies in emission reporting for the grains industry,” Professor Friend said.

“It is set up to be an enduring partnership which will continue to provide Australian representation into future development of these global emission reporting tools.”

The Cool Soil Initiative and Cool Farm Alliance will work together in the coming months to incorporate country-specific emission factors, which will enhance the Cool Farm Tool’s regional applicability.

The extensions will improve alignment between the Cool Soil Initiative supply chain emission reporting with Australia’s National GHG Inventory methods, setting an important global precedent and call-to-action for greater regionalisation in climate assessments.

Cool Soil Initiative Project Lead Dr Cassandra Schefe said the partnership represents a significant moment for on-farm emission reporting in Australia.

“Farmers and companies tell us they want streamlined reporting that aligns with both domestic and global market needs, and that recognises the unique conditions under which Australian farmers grow food and fibre,” she said.

“As farmers and supply chain companies continue to work on understanding and reducing their emissions, it’s essential to have reputable, science-based tools that work throughout the supply chain and in all markets, and that’s what the plan launched today is all about.”

Media Note:

For more information or to arrange an interview, contact Nicole Barlow at Charles Sturt Media on mobile 0429 217 026 or

The Cool Soil Initiative formed in 2018 with initial investment from Mars Petcare with Kellogg, Manildra Group and Allied Pinnacle joining with Charles Sturt University and Food Agility CRC in 2020. Combining on-farm extension and research to lower emissions and build soil fertility, CSI continues to scale its geographic reach and membership base, with Corson Grains and PepsiCo ANZ the latest companies to join.

Photo caption: Chris Stevens, Director of Global Agribusiness with Kellogg Chris Stevens, Cool Soil Initiative Project Lead Dr Cassandra Schefe, Lilliput Ag participating farmer Andrew Russell, Director of Research and Technology at Kellogg ANZ Peter Crane and Kellogg ANZ Managing Director Anthony Holme. Picture by Renee McCarthy, Kellogg ANZ

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