The Charles Sturt University (CSU) Medal will be presented to theology graduate Mr Tobias Tan at a ceremony in Canberra on Friday 27 May.
The medal presentation by CSU Chancellor Mr Lawrence Willett AO will be made as Mr Tan graduates from CSU with a Bachelor of Theology (Honours) with Honours Class 1.
He is one of approximately 100 graduates eligible to receive their undergraduate and postgraduate awards through the School of Theology at CSU in Canberra during the ceremony from 11am to 12.30pm in St Paul’s Anglican Church in Manuka, on Friday 27 May.
After studying commerce and IT at The Australian National University (ANU), Mr Tan started a Bachelor of Theology at CSU in 2004 and a Bachelor of Theology (Honours) in 2008. During a break his studies in 2007, he undertook a three month intensive French language course with a religious community in Tigery near Paris.
Mr Tan said, “This was one of the highlights of my studies at Charles Sturt University. It was made possible by the generosity of the Beatrice Robinson Scholarship awarded by the St Mark’s National Theological Centre. The French I learnt during this period assisted me to access some original sources for my Honours project.
“It was a delightful surprise to receive news of the University Medal. I am very honoured to join the illustrious ranks of some of my distinguished friends who also received this award in years past.”
Mr Tan is currently improving his ancient language skills through postgraduate studies in the classics at ANU. He hopes to further his studies with postgraduate research overseas.
Humanitarian and Anglicare SA Chief Executive Officer, Dr Lynn Arnold AO, will deliver the occasional address to the CSU graduates. Dr Arnold was a Senior Director of World Vision International, a former Premier of South Australia and a state finalist in the Australian of the Year in 2010.
The ceremony involves undergraduate and postgraduate awards in fields such as ageing and pastoral studies, pastoral counselling, ministry, theology, and religious and values education.
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