A Charles
Sturt University (CSU) academic is raising awareness of the hormonal changes in
parents during pregnancy and birth to encourage a nurturing environment for
Dr Sally-ann de-Vitry Smith, from the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Indigenous Health at CSU in Wagga Wagga, said, "There is a lot more awareness of the significant hormonal changes in women during pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period to promote attachment, bonding and nurturing.
However, Dr de-Vitry Smith believes a greater understanding of hormonal changes in men during the same time will lead to better outcomes for babies and families.
The academic will present on the topic of hormonal changes in women and men during a series of free workshops in Wagga Wagga in November. Hosted by CSU, the workshops will cover the latest research surrounding normal births.
Dr de-Vitry Smith said, "Men have the highest testosterone levels when searching for a mate. Once this is done, the steroid hormone generally decreases allowing oxytocin, the hormone of love, calmness and connectedness, to foster their parenting abilities.
"High testosterone may be helpful when competing for a partner but is not ideal for parenthood because the aggressive behaviour it fosters does not support relationships and the raising of children.
"After playing and interacting with their children men have increased oxytocin and are more affectionate with their partner and children.
"Therefore supporting the bonding between fathers and their newborns is assisted by them having direct contact with the mother and infant at birth.
"Supporting men to stay with their partners at birth and providing a safe environment for infants will assist these important hormonal changes.
"This all contributes to an environment which supports fatherhood and strengthens families in both current and future generations."
The normal birth workshops will be held from 7pm to 9pm on Wednesdays 2, 9, 16, 23 November at the Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network at 1/185 Morgan Street in Wagga Wagga.
The initiative is supported by Murrumbidgee Local Health District, Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) and Birthing and Babies Support Group (BaBs).
Topics during the month-long workshop series include: 'Normal birth physiology' by CSU lecturer and Registered Nurse (RN) Ms Amy Vaccaro; 'Men, women, birth and hormones' by Dr de-Vitry Smith; 'Breastfeeding and calm birth' by ABA's Ms Wendy Harper and CSU lecturer and RN Ms Carmel Woods; and 'Navigating the birthing system' by the ABA's Ms Jenny Rolfe and RN Ms Sandra Forde.
The term 'normal birth' refers to labour and birth without medical intervention.
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