The leadership of The Reverend Professor James Haire, AC, as head of the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture (ACC&C) for the past decade, will be celebrated at a ceremony in Canberra on Wednesday 18 September.

ACC&C Chair Professor Ross Chambers said, “The Board of the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture wishes to acknowledge the work and wonderful leadership shown by James Haire in both word and action.
“We thank him for his extensive contribution to national life and to the vision and work of the Centre.”
The Celebration will be held on Wednesday 18 September from 5pm to 7pm in the Chapel of the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, 15 Blackall Street in Barton.
The ACC&C is an ecumenical foundation established in 1993 under the auspices of the National Council of Churches in Australia. A Division of Charles Sturt University (CSU), the Centre’s Patron is Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce, AC CVO.
A Professor of Theology, James Haire took up the role as Executive Director in October, 2003. He is renowned for his work in encouraging ecumenical cooperation between the Christian denominations as well as in promoting inter-faith dialogue in Australia and overseas, including in the largest Muslim nation, Indonesia. Among his many awards and accolades throughout his career are four Honorary Doctorates and his appointments as Presidential Friend of Indonesia in 2010 and a Member of the Order of Australia in 2006.
In 2013, Professor Haire was made a Companion of the Order of Australia (AC). He was awarded an AC, Australia's highest civic honour, for his ‘eminent service to the community through international leadership in ecumenical and interfaith dialogue, the promotion of religious reconciliation, inclusion and peace, and as a theologian’.
Professor Haire said, “It has been a great honour and privilege to be engaged in developing the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture over the last 10 years. Its work is essential to the deepening of faith and ethics, to our national harmony, and to the enhancement of relations throughout the Asia-Pacific region.”
Professor Haire will continue to lead the University's programs to promote Christian-Muslim dialogue in Australia and overseas. He remains as Director of the University’s Centre for Public and Contextual Theology (PACT).
Read more on Professor Haire on CSU News here and here.
Read more on Professor Haire on CSU News here and here.
Read about the appointment of Dr Pickard as ACC&C Executive Director on CSU News here.
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