Strategic Advisory Committee holds meeting in Bathurst to discuss University’s future vision

4 OCTOBER 2019

Strategic Advisory Committee holds meeting in Bathurst to discuss University’s future vision

Charles Sturt's Strategic Advisory Board, comprised of industry leaders, meets in Bathurst to discuss University's vision for the future.

  • Charles Sturt’s Strategic Advisory Committee, hosted by Strategic Adviser - Regional Development Ms Fiona Nash, met on Friday 4 October
  • Committee includes influential business and industry leaders and is part of the University Strategy 2017-2022
  • Members of the committee come from fields in health, education, media, agriculture and Indigenous affairs

Influential business and industry leaders have shared their opinions as part of Charles Sturt University’s (Charles Sturt) Strategic Advisory Committee.

The committee, which was formed in December 2018, is part of the ‘Our Communities’ section of the University Strategy 2017-2022 and is comprised of leaders in economic, social and environmental fields.

Members of the committee come from the sectors of health, education, regional development, business, agriculture, media, Indigenous affairs and social impact.

The meeting was held on Friday 4 October in Bathurst and was hosted by the University’s Vice-Chancellor Professor Andrew Vann and Strategic Adviser – Regional Engagement and Government Relations Ms Fiona Nash.

Meetings will be held at least twice a year and members will focus on providing information that will form decisions for developing strategy and opportunities and identifying challenges for the University.

“The University is extremely fortunate to benefit from the knowledge and input the renowned experts in our Strategic Advisory Committee have,” Ms Nash said.

“It is important, in order to grow as a university, that we seek advice and consultation from business and community leaders to ensure we are serving the needs of our rural, regional and remote communities to the best of our ability.”

The meeting’s agenda covered an array of topics, including how committee members viewed the University’s role in the community and how the University can contribute to growth in regional communities economically, socially, culturally and environmentally.

Strategic Advisory Committee members are:

  • Mr Mick Gooda – former Australian Human Rights Commission’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner Co-Commissioner for the Royal Commission into the Protection and Detention of Children in the Northern Territory.
  • Mr Matt Linnegar – CEO of the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation, former CEO of the National Farmers’ Federation, former general manager of Corporate and Customer Operations with Murrumbidgee Irrigation Limited and former executive director of the Ricegrowers’ Association of Australia.
  • Dr Paul Mara AM – general practitioner from Gundagai, founder of the Rural and Remote Health Medical Infrastructure Trust and co-founder of the Rural Doctors Association of NSW (RDANSW).
  • Adjunct Professor Michael Moore AM – former CEO of the Public Health Association of Australia, immediate past president of the World Health Federation of Public Health Associations, Adjunct Professor at the University of Canberra and Visiting Professor of the University of Technology Sydney and elected member of the ACT Legislative Assembly.
  • Ms Elizabeth O’Leary – Head of Agriculture for Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets (MIRA), manager of MIRA’S investment platform and member of the Executive Committee for each of MIRA’s wholesale funds.
  • Dr Lisa Paul AO PSM – former Secretary of the Federal Department of Education and member of the Australian Government’s Naval Shipbuilding Advisory Board.
  • Ms Fiona Simson – President of the National Farmers Federation, member of Board of NRMA, the Australian Made Campaign Ltd, AgStewardship Australia and the Australian Farmers Fighting Fund.
  • Ms Georgie Somerset – Chairwoman of National Farmers’ Federation’s Telecommunications Committee, former Director of the Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland), Children’s Health Hospital and Health Service, current Vice President of AgForce Queensland and Director on ABC board.
  • Mr Les White – former Fairfax and News Ltd journalist, rural health and education advocate and senior adviser to the Victorian deputy premier and federal government.
Media Note:

To arrange interviews with Ms Fiona Nash, contact Nicole Barlow at Charles Sturt Media on 0429 217 026 or

Photo caption: (Left to right) Adjunct Professor Michael Moore AM, Dr Lisa Paul AO PSM, Charles Sturt Vice-Chancellor Professor Andrew Vann, Ms Fiona Nash, Mr Les White and Mr Matt Linnegar. 

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BathurstBusiness and EconomicsCharles Sturt UniversitySociety and Community