Shiftwork impacts women nurses: CSU research
Tuesday, 16 Jan 2018The impact of shiftwork on female nurses in the health care sector is the focus of PhD research by a registered nurse and CSU academic.
MoU marks new beginning for CSU and NSW SES
Monday, 15 Jan 2018The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between CSU and the NSW State Emergency Service will herald the beginning of a new and significant relationship between the two.
Frogs surviving in dry, dry land
Thursday, 11 Jan 2018Frogs are often associated with wet tropical forests or vast swamps, not in the dry lands of southern NSW, which a CSU researcher Dr Carmen Amos to investigate the state of frog populations in the region and the factors influencing them.
Investigating the decline of northern Australia’s largest marsupial predator
Wednesday, 10 Jan 2018A CSU researcher is investigating the status of one of the last major populations of northern quolls before its habitat is invaded by cane toads.
Bosses impressed with CSU graduates...
Wednesday, 10 Jan 2018Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Professor Toni Downes has welcomed the findings of the 2017 Employer Satisfaction Survey.
(Looks up from smartphone) … sorry, what did you say?
Thursday, 4 Jan 2018CSU researchers are searching for participants to take part in an online survey to help answer questions about smartphone usage in social situations... is it boredom or a fear of missing out that prevents us from letting go of our phones?
Mighty meat ants help spread native plants along roadsides
Monday, 8 Jan 2018Research from CSU has demonstrated how tiny ants help spread native trees along the roadsides that criss-cross the Australian rural landscape.
CSU international student profile
Friday, 22 Dec 2017Read about Ms Shazna Careem who graduated on 19 December 2017 and her CSU experience
Increased offers to CSU prospective students in 2018
Thursday, 21 Dec 2017There’s further growth in the number of offers made to prospective CSU students for 2018.
Merry Christmas from CSU Media
Thursday, 21 Dec 2017Wishing you a very safe and happy Christmas and New Year.