Charles Sturt pilots new uni classification system

14 JUNE 2019

Charles Sturt pilots new uni classification system

Charles Sturt University will host a delegation of US and Australian universities in Bathurst from Wednesday 19 to Friday 21 June to discuss the Australian pilot of the Carnegie Community Engagement Classification.

  • Charles Sturt University to co-lead Australian pilot of the Carnegie Community Engagement Classification framework for recognising university contribution to communities beyond traditional measures such as academic rankings
  • Charles Sturt will host a delegation of US and Australian universities in Bathurst to discuss the Australian pilot of the Carnegie Classification

Charles Sturt University (Charles Sturt) will host a delegation of US and Australian universities in Bathurst from Wednesday 19 to Friday 21 June to discuss the Australian pilot of the Carnegie Community Engagement Classification.

The Carnegie Classification is an international assessment that allows universities to demonstrate commitment to their communities and to share best practice in the sector.

Charles Sturt University and the University of Technology Sydney are co-leaders of the Australian pilot of the Carnegie Community Engagement Classification.

Piloting of the Carnegie Classification involves seven other Australian universities and six ‘observer’ institutions.

Charles Sturt Vice-Chancellor Professor Andrew Vann said, “Being a lead university to participate in the first Australian trial of the Carnegie Classification is an institutional highlight for Charles Sturt University.

“This process will lift our standards of community participation and engagement and produce better outcomes for the communities in which we operate – core to the strategic vision of the University.”

Charles Sturt Director Community and Industry Engagement Associate Professor Laura Dan said, “Community engagement and how the University contributes to creating ‘Vibrant Regional Communities’ are key objectives in the 2022 University Strategy.

“The Carnegie Community Engagement Classification is a framework for recognising university contribution beyond traditional measures such as academic rankings.

“Charles Sturt welcomes the delegation, and welcomes the opportunity to adopt ‘best practice’ and an international standard that allows us to rate our demonstrated commitment to our communities.”

Universities represented in the delegation to visit Charles Sturt University in Bathurst and Orange include Brown University (USA), the University of Technology Sydney, La Trobe University, Flinders University, Central Queensland University, Edith Cowan University, the University of Sunshine Coast, Western Sydney University, and the University of New England.

The Carnegie Classification delegation of US and Australian universities will be hosted at Charles Sturt University’s Centre for Professional Development in Bathurst from Wednesday 19 to Friday 21 June. The delegation will also visit Charles Sturt University in Orange on Thursday 20 June.

Media Note:

To arrange interviews contact Bruce Andrews at Charles Sturt Media on mobile 0418 669 362 or

Media interview and photo opportunities at Charles Sturt University in Orange on Thursday 20 June between 9.30am to 10.30am, during a delegation tour of dentistry, pharmacy and a briefing on development of the medical school.

Media interview and photo opportunities at Charles Sturt University in Bathurst on Thursday 20 June between 11.30am to 12.30pm, during a delegation tour of Charles Sturt Engineering (building 1305 on Village Drive), followed at 1pm by a Smoking Ceremony and Welcome to Country at the nearby Centre for Professional Development (building 1285).

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