was an easy decision for Charles Sturt University (CSU) students to donate the
thousands of dollars raised during 2017 Orientation Week to support the McGrath
Students donned pink clothes for the charity drive to highlight the cause and collected money through raffles, collection tins, pledges of cash from local businesses who attended Market Day and the sale of 'succulents in cups' to students, staff and parents. A small amount of money was also raised at both the Hoodoo Gurus, You Am I Foundation Day concert at CSU in Wagga Wagga.
Speaking at the presentation of almost $9 000 at CSU today, Thursday 21 September, Senate Representative Mr Jay Morris said, "The McGrath Foundation is such a great organisation and one that supports many students and their families affected by cancer.
"Given the size of the University footprint, from Port Macquarie to Albury and Bathurst to Wagga Wagga, there isn't a student or staff member who hasn't been impacted by or in contact with someone who has cancer."
In accepting the cheque, McGrath Foundation Breast Care Nurses Ms Susan Munro and Ms Monica Jessop, said "We are so grateful for the support of Charles Sturt University and the enthusiasm of the students to dig deep and donate to our organisation.
"What's even more poignant for us, is that we have McGrath Foundation nurses in each of the communities where Charles Sturt University has a physical presence, so the money raised will directly benefit the rural and regional areas where our nurses are working."
O Week coordinators Mr John Paul Bacoy and Ms Sarah Molloy were pleased with the fund raising efforts of students and hope that the 2018 charity drive is just as successful so that another worthy organisation will also benefit from the generosity of the University.
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