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National double acclaim for CSU speech, language and hearing team

National double acclaim for CSU speech, language and hearing team

CSU speech pathology researchers have received the double honour of being named ‘Australia’s Research Field Leaders’ in both the individual ‘Field Leader’ and ‘Leading Institution’ categories.

Charles Sturt UniversityResearchCSU studentsTeaching and EducationHigher educationTeacher educationHealthAllied healthC IHInternationalScience

German connection yielding heartfelt results
ALLIED HEALTH  21 Aug 2018

German connection yielding heartfelt results

A German medical student at CSU is helping solve a very Australian problem – how to detect possible heart defects in a fainting patient that lives in a remote or rural location.

ResearchHealthAllied healthInternationalScience

Inspiring ageing in regional Australia: CSU symposium
ALLIED HEALTH  11 Jul 2018

Inspiring ageing in regional Australia: CSU symposium

Two internationally recognised experts in inspired ageing will headline a symposium for communities across regional Australia to be hosted by CSU in Wagga Wagga, NSW, in August.

Charles Sturt UniversityResearchILWSHealthAllied healthNursing and midwifery

‘VietSpeech’ project to deliver for Australia
ALLIED HEALTH  26 Jun 2018

‘VietSpeech’ project to deliver for Australia

Following Refugee Week 2018 last week, researchers at CSU seek Vietnamese-Australians aged 18 and over to participate in a study that examines their use of Vietnamese and English while living in Australia.

ResearchHigher educationTeacher educationAllied healthInternationalSociety and Community

CSU research to aid Parkinson’s disease sufferers in regional NSW
ALLIED HEALTH  19 Jun 2018

CSU research to aid Parkinson’s disease sufferers in regional NSW

A CSU nursing research team has been engaged by Parkinson’s NSW to undertake a project in rural and regional NSW.

Charles Sturt UniversityResearchHealthAllied healthNursing and midwifery

US Fulbright scholarship opens eyes and ears for CSU researcher
ALLIED HEALTH  24 May 2018

US Fulbright scholarship opens eyes and ears for CSU researcher

A CSU researcher has taken her research into deafness and communication to new heights through the Fulbright Scholarship program.

Charles Sturt UniversityResearchTeaching and EducationHigher educationTeacher educationHealthAllied healthInternational

CSU stem cell research aims to improve osteoarthritis
ALLIED HEALTH  23 Apr 2018

CSU stem cell research aims to improve osteoarthritis

CSU is contributing to national research that aims to explore the effectiveness of using a person’s own stem cells to treat their arthritis.

Charles Sturt UniversityResearchHealthAllied healthScience

World-first research into wellbeing of new paramedics
ALLIED HEALTH  19 Dec 2017

World-first research into wellbeing of new paramedics

CSU is playing a key role in an international study into the mental wellbeing of new paramedicine graduates.

Charles Sturt UniversityResearchHealthAllied health

Aged, rural and resilient? Tell us more
ALLIED HEALTH  18 Oct 2017

Aged, rural and resilient? Tell us more

Researchers at CSU seek volunteers aged over 70 to help answer a fundamental question about ageing in the Blayney region.

Charles Sturt UniversityResearchHealthAllied healthScienceSociety and Community

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