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Dedicated to rural health
HEALTH  13 Oct 2014

Dedicated to rural health

A desire to further promote research, teaching, learning and community engagement across regional and rural Australia has lured an expatriate Australian to CSU as the new Head of the School of Biomedical Sciences.

Higher educationHealthPharmacyScience

‘Hands on’ learning online
HEALTH  8 Oct 2014

‘Hands on’ learning online

A virtual management consultancy established by CSU students has taken its research on private health insurance in public hospitals to the top.

Charles Sturt UniversityCSU studentsHealth

Governor-General inspects national hub at CSU
HEALTH  2 Oct 2014

Governor-General inspects national hub at CSU

Australia's Governor General, His Excellency the Honorable Sir Peter Cosgrove, AK MC, inspected CSU's award winning National Life Sciences Hub as part of his visit to CSU in Wagga Wagga on 2 October.

Agricultural ScienceCharles Sturt UniversityResearchCSU studentsHigher educationHealthScience

Putting some SpICE into local schools
HEALTH  1 Oct 2014

Putting some SpICE into local schools

CSU students are using their work with local schools to encourage school students to dream big and broaden their educational goals.

Charles Sturt UniversityCSU studentsHigher educationAllied health

New mothers smile at oral health program
HEALTH  24 Sep 2014

New mothers smile at oral health program

Improving the oral health of pregnant women in the Riverina is the aim of a new program being coordinated by the Murrumbidgee Local Health District and CSU.

Charles Sturt UniversityCSU studentsDentistry

Free community BBQ hosted by CSU dentistry students in Brewarrina
HEALTH  23 Sep 2014

Free community BBQ hosted by CSU dentistry students in Brewarrina

Dentistry staff and students from CSU will provide their next comprehensive dental clinic in Brewarrina in early October.

Charles Sturt UniversityCSU studentsHealthDentistry

Medical ethicist: Gene patents not so bad
HEALTH  21 Sep 2014

Medical ethicist: Gene patents not so bad

Patenting of genes by private companies is not necessarily a bad thing provided it's well regulated, according to CSU medical ethicist Dr Alberto Giubilini.

HealthReligion and EthicsScience

Health promotion at CSU
HEALTH  18 Sep 2014

Health promotion at CSU

It's been a busy time of year for the Health Promotion Service at CSU.

Charles Sturt UniversityHealth

CSU pharmacy student on a winning streak
HEALTH  16 Sep 2014

CSU pharmacy student on a winning streak

CSU pharmacy student Mr Jamie Pisani is making the most of the last few months of his degree by taking out two national awards in Melbourne over the week end.

CSU studentsPharmacy

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