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CSU students deliver dental care for kids
HEALTH  14 Aug 2013

CSU students deliver dental care for kids

A volunteer team of Charles Sturt University students, in partnership with the Carevan Foundation, have been awarded a $6000 community service grant to help Wodonga children in need of urgent dental care.

Charles Sturt UniversityHealthIndigenousSociety and Community

Wrap up your feet this winter
HEALTH  5 Aug 2013

Wrap up your feet this winter

People with diabetes or circulation problems, need to keep a close eye on blood flow through their feet during the cold of winter, according to a podiatry expert from CSU.

HealthSociety and Community

Debate to nut out food security
HEALTH  29 Jul 2013

Debate to nut out food security

Food security is shaping as a critical issue for all Australians, especially those in the Murray Darling Basin, and CSU

Charles Sturt UniversityHealthSociety and Community

Australian midwifery students give to women in Africa
HEALTH  25 Jul 2013

Australian midwifery students give to women in Africa

As if it wasn’t enough to spend six straight days away from home and work studying for postgraduate qualifications, a group of midwifery students at CSU have donated money to help women in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Charles Sturt UniversityHealthInternational

Health checks using mobile phones
HEALTH  23 Jul 2013

Health checks using mobile phones

Research at CSU aims to make it possible for a doctor to monitor the heart rate or check the blood pressure of a patient hundreds of kilometres away, using wireless sensors and mobile phone technology.

Charles Sturt UniversityHealth

CSU pilot program promotes women's health
HEALTH  23 Jul 2013

CSU pilot program promotes women's health

A report highlighting health concerns specifically for female international and refugee students in Australia has prompted a new health promotion program to be trialled at CSU.

Charles Sturt UniversityHealthInternational

New Dean of Science at CSU
HEALTH  26 Jun 2013

New Dean of Science at CSU

To say the new Executive Dean of the Faculty of Science at CSU in Australia has hit the ground running may be an understatement.

Charles Sturt UniversityHealth

Community placements for CSU paramedic students
HEALTH  24 Jun 2013

Community placements for CSU paramedic students

CSU Bachelor of Clinical Practice (Paramedic) students will soon be getting hands-on experience in a range of new settings thanks to a pilot program at CSU in Port Macquarie.

Charles Sturt UniversityTeaching and EducationHealthIndigenousSociety and Community

Students showcase first SpICE projects
HEALTH  7 Jun 2013

Students showcase first SpICE projects

Speech pathology and dentistry students from CSU will show the fruits of their labours across southern NSW when the first SpICE Student Showcase is held on Tuesday 11 June at CSU in Albury-Wodonga.

Charles Sturt UniversityHealthSociety and Community

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