Reconciliation Week: More Action needed according to CSU

28 MAY 2018

At the beginning of Reconciliation Week, Charles Sturt University (CSU) has today called for more action on Indigenous reconciliation as it continues to drive its Reconciliation Action Plan.

* Charles Sturt University (CSU) is calling for more action on Indigenous reconciliation and will continue to advocate through the University’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)

* An online survey conducted of all Indigenous students, past and present, revealed they want to hear more diverse voices and see more ‘action’ towards reconciliation.

At the beginning of Reconciliation Week, Charles Sturt University (CSU) has today called for more action on Indigenous reconciliation as it continues to drive its Reconciliation Action Plan.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Development and Industry) Professor Mary Kelly said that the University has a long and proud tradition of advocating on behalf of Indigenous communities.

“This week is all about the significance of our Indigenous communities across our university footprint.

“We are proud of our ethos of ‘Yindyamarra Winhanganha’ the Wiradjuri phrase meaning, ‘the wisdom of respectfully knowing how to live well in a world worth living in’, which reflects the University’s commitment to delivering “for the public good”, Professor Kelly said.

A recent survey undertaken by CSU revealed a willingness to participate in a discussion about Reconciliation as well as a desire for more individual perspectives to be heard.

CSU was honoured by the response, and the effort and depth of responses. The realisation that while nothing can change the past, reconciliation can enable us to change the future,” Professor Kelly said.

“The effort and depth of responses indicated this was no ordinary survey response, rather it reflected considerable personal and emotional investment.

“Today we are launching a series of articles from both Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians on their perspectives regarding the pathway towards Reconciliation.

“The university is all about being a centre for all voices to be heard to ensure that we achieve the national goal of reconciliation.

“The only way we can make reconciliation a living entity is through the daily actions and practices of people interacting,” Professor Kelly said.

A survey respondent said, “Reconciliation should be about real action and not just pretty pictures and art work on NAIDOC Day”.

The theme for Reconciliation Week is ‘Don’t Keep History A Mystery’. CSU is embracing this as it moves into the University’s next stage of the reconciliation journey.

“For it to be meaningful, action based collaboration needs to be between all of our peoples and the way forward is to do it together,” Professor Kelly concluded.

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Albury-WodongaBathurstDubboOrangePort MacquarieWagga WaggaCharles Sturt UniversityCSU studentsIndigenousSociety and Community