Patterns needed to help computers think better have been investigated by an international research group including a CSU expert, with the results reported in the latest issue of the international journal Nature Scientific Reports.
A group of academically gifted Kooringal High School students will visit CSU in Wagga Wagga on Wednesday 18 July to get a taste of how new knowledge is generated through research.
Young academic Nick Klomp wasn’t sure how long he would stay when he first joined CSU in 1991. But that was over 20 years ago, and Nick has grown to lead one of the largest faculties in Australia.
The performance of Facebook shares might have fallen short of expectations but CSU Information Technology lecturer Mr Ken Eustace said there's plenty of interest in the social networking company.
The National Broadband Network (NBN) is set to bring new opportunities for regional Australia but making the most of the technology will be a challenge according to experts from CSU.
University students looking for ways to hack into a computer network might sound like a movie plot but a team from CSU will do just that as part of the Inaugural Cyber Defence University Challenge.
Using smart phone applications to order food from a local café, book a motel or to ‘read’ roadside posts for tourist information are all ways regional communities could lift their profile and visibility to give their economies a competitive edge.
Within six months of taking up a new position as Professor of Information Studies at CSU in Australia, Lisa Given has been named in a $AUD1.53 million research project to improve paediatric emergency care in her home country of Canada.
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