Charles Sturt University (Charles Sturt) notes the recent announcement from the University of Newcastle in relation to no longer offering new undergraduate enrolments in education and nursing at Port Macquarie.
We wish to acknowledge the University of Newcastle for their work in helping to establish higher education in Port Macquarie and their contribution cannot be understated. Charles Sturt looks forward to working with them in the future as a key stakeholder in the region, especially through research collaboration.
Charles Sturt has recently expanded course offerings in Port Macquarie and will launch our nursing course from February 2020. The University will also continue to offer the Bachelor of Education (K-12) and Bachelor of Educational Studies from the Port Macquarie Campus.
We will be working closely with the University of Newcastle to support students, particularly those studying part-time, who may be interested in transitioning to Charles Sturt University.
The Charles Sturt Port Macquarie campus is undergoing a $61 million expansion, including a $15 million contribution from the state government, with Stage 2 well underway and we are investing signficantly to expand and enhance our offerings to students in the region.
The campus expansion will offer additional exceptional teaching and learning centres with students able to access world class education and facilities without needing to move out of the region.
Charles Sturt has a long history of providing skilled nurses and teachers to our regions with both courses being key to our foundation. We are committed to delivering highly skilled, employable graduates driven to making a difference in their communities.
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