Three Charles Sturt researchers named Australian leaders in their fields

2 OCTOBER 2020

Three Charles Sturt researchers named Australian leaders in their fields

Three Charles Sturt University academics were acknowledged last week as leading Australian researchers in their field.

  • Charles Sturt researchers national leaders in: audiology, speech and language pathology; insects and arthropods; and strategic management
  • Professor Sharynne McLeod (Bathurst) is the leader in the field of audiology, speech and language pathology for the third year in a row
  • Professor in Applied Ecology Geoff Gurr (Orange) and Professor in Entrepreneurship Morgan Miles (Bathurst) also named as field leaders

The annual special report by The Australian newspaper provides a summary of the researchers with the highest number of citations from papers published in the last five years in the 20 top journals in their field.

The Charles Sturt academics are:

It is the third year in a row that Professor McLeod (pictured, centre) has been named by the report as a leader in the field of audiology, speech and language pathology, in the health and medical sciences category.

Charles Sturt Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Engagement) Professor Heather Cavanagh said, “Charles Sturt University is delighted to have the quality and impact of its staff and research acknowledged at the national level.

“We are extremely proud of our staff and the significant impact they bring to the people and communities of Australia, and indeed the world.”

Professor McLeod was one of 66 scholars who are Australia’s leading researchers from each of the 66 fields listed in the discipline of health and medical sciences.

“I am very honoured to learn of this acknowledgement from The Australian regarding the impact and quality of our collaborative research undertaken with my colleagues and higher degree research students at Charles Sturt University,” Professor McLeod, said.

“I am very grateful to all my colleagues, particularly those in the Speech-Language-Multilingualism Team and the Early Childhood Research Group for their collaboration and encouragement.

“I wish to acknowledge and thank the Australian Research Council, NSW Health, and Charles Sturt University for funding our research to support children’s communication, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to present some of this research at the United Nations in New York last year.”

Professor Gurr (pictured, left), who is also a member of the Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation at Charles Sturt University, was one of 30 scholars identified as Australia’s leading researchers from each of the 30 fields in the life sciences and earth sciences category.

Professor Gurr’s field is insects and arthropods, and his work includes research into the global agricultural pest the Diamondback Moth.

“It’s great to get recognition like this, but one feels like the tip of a rather large iceberg,” he said. “So much of the research effort comes from wonderful young postgraduates, postdoctoral students, and collaborators.

“Funding from organisations such as Horticulture Innovation and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research has also been crucial for the advances we have made.”

Professor Miles (pictured, right) is one of 16 scholars who are Australia’s leading researchers selected from each of the 16 fields in the discipline of business, economics and management. He leads the field of strategic management.

His research supports start-up businesses in regional areas worldwide, and he is currently working with the Department of Industry on entrepreneurial support program policies dealing specifically with accelerator and incubators.

Media Note:

To arrange interviews contact Bruce Andrews at Charles Sturt Media on mobile 0418 669 362 or via

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