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Students challenged in science and engineering knowledge
DUBBO  29 Feb 2016

Students challenged in science and engineering knowledge

A touring event involving Charles Sturt University (CSU) scientific and engineering academics will challenge the scientific and engineering skills of around 1 000 school students across southern and central NSW in March. The national Science and Engineering Challenge, provides fun, hands-on activities for Year 10 high school students across Australia to consider studying science, engineering and mathematics at university. Organised in partnership with communities, Rotary clubs, universities and sponsors, four challenge days will include CSU scientists and engineers who will guide student teams in Bowral, Dubbo, Young and Wagga Wagga through a series of mathematical and scientific challenges. The day-long events highlight the importance and fun of science and engineering.  The Science and Engineering Challenge events will be held in Young on Tuesday 1 March, Wagga Wagga on Thursday 3 March, Dubbo on Monday 7 March, and Bowral on Tuesday 8 March.

CSU in Dubbo to welcome new students for O Week
DUBBO  18 Feb 2016

CSU in Dubbo to welcome new students for O Week

Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Dubbo will welcome approximately 87 new undergraduate students for the start of 2016 Orientation Week (O Week) on Tuesday 23 February.CSU Dean of Students Professor Julia Coyle said O Week is a happy and hectic time for all involved, and there is much for students to learn as they consider their new lives in higher education."The shift from school to university means students become adult learners," Professor Coyle said. "This transition may be difficult for parents who need to shift from strong engagement as a parent of a school student to only being involved in discussion with lecturers if their young adult gives permission."For the new students, it is vital that they meet the people and find the resources that will make their studies at CSU a success, while also enjoying a rewarding and eventful life, often in a new town. Students can use a wide range of services to improve their chances of success, such as the free after-hours and weekend tutors who are ready to help students in a range of matters."The start of O Week at CSU in Dubbo is officially marked by the Commencement Ceremony at The University Cafe at 9.30am Tuesday 23 February.This will be followed by a Market Day from 10am to 12pm in the University courtyard to promote clubs, services and businesses in Dubbo, with a welcome barbeque from 12pm.Other O Week program activities in Dubbo include formal introductions and orientation to Faculties and School, and tips and requirements for effective and successful studying at university.Social activities will include a mature age students 'Meet and Greet' at the University Cafe at 2pm Tuesday 23, and a Trivia Night in the cafe from 6pm to 10pm. There will also be ten pin bowling at the Dubbo Ten Pin Bowling Centre from 7pm Wednesday 24, a 'Toga Night' at the Pastoral Hotel at 8pm Thursday 25, and a 'Pool Recovery' at the Dubbo Aquatic Centre from 11am on Friday 26 February.Returning students will commence the following week when the 2016 academic year begins on Monday 29 February.

Charles Sturt UniversityCSU studentsHigher education

Registered nurses wanted, now and in the future
DUBBO  2 Feb 2016

Registered nurses wanted, now and in the future

A special evening event at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Dubbo on Wednesday 10 February aims to promote the recruitment, education and professional development of nurses in the region.The School of Nursing, Midwifery and Indigenous Health at CSU invites nurses and prospective nursing students to a free information evening to learn about what is involved in joining like-minded academics in the education of undergraduate registered nurses.Lecturer in nursing Ms Maryanne Podham said, "We're looking for nurses who are interested to promote the profession of nursing and assist in the education of the next generation of nurses. We're also keen to advise nurses about how they can advance their own careers by undertaking postgraduate study with Charles Sturt University."Ms Podham noted that while CSU was well-established in Dubbo for many years, many people in the region did not know that nursing was one of the main disciplines that could be studied at the University in Dubbo."We want to ensure that nurses from the region have long and fulfilling professional careers in the health services in western NSW," Ms Podham said. "I encourage anyone interested in nursing to attend the information evening."The free event is from 6pm to 8pm Wednesday 10 February in Room 220 at CSU, Tony McGrane Place, Dubbo. Refreshments will be provided.For more information or to register your interest to attend please phone Ms Podham on (02) 6885 7328 or email mpdham@csu.edu.au

Nursing and midwifery

Governor-General to visit CSU in Dubbo
DUBBO  20 Aug 2015

Governor-General to visit CSU in Dubbo

His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove, AK, MC (Retd), Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, and Her Excellency Lady Cosgrove, will visit Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Dubbo from 10.45am to 11.45am on Friday 28 August. Their Excellencies will be welcomed by CSU Vice-Chancellor Professor Andrew Vann, then join University staff and students for morning tea prior to a tour of the campus. Professor Vann said, "On behalf of all staff and students I look forward to welcoming the Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove and Lady Cosgrove to Charles Sturt University in Dubbo. We are delighted that they have time in their busy schedule to visit the campus, meet students and staff, and learn about our Indigenous Education Strategy as well as the courses and graduates that are making a significant difference to the communities of regional Australia." The Governor-General and Lady Cosgrove are interested in meeting and talking with students, academics, researchers and administrative staff at CSU in Dubbo, and have indicated a particular interest in the School of Indigenous Australian Studies. Staff are invited and welcome to attend morning tea with their Excellencies at 11.05am on Friday 28 August. Please RSVP for catering purposes to mbritnell@csu.edu.au by Thursday 20 August.

Charles Sturt UniversityHigher education

Explorations: The importance of talking to strangers
DUBBO  5 Aug 2015

Explorations: The importance of talking to strangers

Author and communicator Mrs Kerrie Phipps will deliver a free public lecture at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Dubbo on Tuesday 11 August discussing the importance of connecting with strangers. 'Do talk to strangers' is part of the University's Explorations Series and will be held in building 901, room 422 from 6pm to 7pm. "In our busy world of social media and speed networking, you have to wonder if we're losing the ability to relate and connect with our fellow human beings," Mrs Phipps said. "Connecting with a stranger on a plane, train or automobile can change the course of your life. In this lecture, I'll be discuss why it's important to stay connected and not be afraid to communicate with others, how to talk to strangers easily and naturally, and how to connect with anyone, anywhere." The lecture will be based on Mrs Phipps latest book Do Talk to Strangers and her discoveries internationally since it launched. This lecture will also include a Q&A session. For more information about the public lecture please visit http://news.csu.edu.au/events

International Nurses Day celebrated at CSU in Dubbo
DUBBO  5 May 2015

International Nurses Day celebrated at CSU in Dubbo

Nursing staff and students at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Dubbo will salute nurses past and present with a day of activities to celebrate International Nurses Day on Tuesday 12 May. Ms Cathy Maginnis, lecturer in nursing at the CSU School of Nursing, Midwifery and Indigenous Health , said the School is hosting a day of activities for nursing students and interested nurses to celebrate the invaluable contributions nurses make to the health of society. "Charles Sturt University is educating nursing students to work locally, nationally and in the international arena," Ms Maginnis said. "A career in nursing offers an abundance of areas and specialities to work in. The theme of this year's International Nurses Day is 'Nurses: A force for change: Care effective, cost effective'. This theme will be demonstrated throughout the day by visiting the history of nurses, sharing experiences of retired nurses, and looking into the high-tech world of current flight nursing with the Royal Flying Doctor Service. These events will demonstrate our ongoing commitment to educating nurses to deliver high quality cost effective nursing care to the community."

Charles Sturt UniversityCSU studentsHealthNursing and midwifery

US Consul General to visit CSU in Dubbo
DUBBO  28 Apr 2015

US Consul General to visit CSU in Dubbo

The US Consul General will visit Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Dubbo on Thursday 30 April as part of his tour of the city. Mr Hugo Llorens, and his wife Lisett, will arrive at CSU at 2pm and be welcomed by acting Head of Campus Dr Patricia Logan and Associate Professor Jay Phillips, the Head of the CSU School of Indigenous Australian Studies in Dubbo. "The staff and students of Charles Sturt University in Dubbo look forward to welcoming the Consul General and Mrs Llorens. The University has much to offer and we will showcase our courses and contribution to the city and region," Dr Logan said. Mr Llorens is particularly interested in the Indigenous Teacher Education in Community (ITEC) program. Ms Maria Bennet, lecturer in the CSU School of Teacher Education, will explain the program and introduce Mr and Mrs Llorens to staff and to students who are on campus this week for a residential school. All CSU staff and members of the University community in Dubbo are invited to join the visiting party. Find out more about the US Consulate General here.

Charles Sturt UniversityCSU studentsHigher educationTeacher educationIndigenousInternational

Check It Out at CSU in Dubbo
DUBBO  19 Apr 2015

Check It Out at CSU in Dubbo

Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Dubbo will host a very special 'graduation' for visiting primary school students as part of a Check It Out day on Thursday 23 April. Approximately 55 Year 5 and 6 students from Trangie Central School, Tullamore Central School, Peak Hill Central School, and Dubbo West Public School will spend the day on campus participating in a selection of workshops to give them first-hand experience of university life. Ms Kristie Daley, school outreach officer for Future Moves in the CSU Office for Students, said, "This fun and interactive day, aims to provide students with a university experience. Students tour the campus and its facilities, have lunch in the student dining room, and participate in hands-on faculty-based activities, and Indigenous games. They end the day with a mock graduation ceremony which includes a special presentation by the Mayor of Dubbo, Councillor Matthew Dickerson." Check it Out days are part of CSU's Future Moves program, which was developed to encourage aspiration for higher education among students in rural and remote NSW and Victoria by introducing young people to the world of university study. These students are encouraged through a positive experience to become more engaged in school studies and more confident in considering tertiary study as a realistic option. Future Moves is a federally funded initiative, run through Charles Sturt University and aligned with the Australian Blueprint for Career Development.

Charles Sturt UniversityCSU studentsHigher education

Life after the mining boom discussed at public lecture
DUBBO  23 Mar 2015

Life after the mining boom discussed at public lecture

Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Dubbo will host the free public lecture by economist and Reserve Bank board member Dr John Edwards on Thursday 26 March. 'Beyond the Boom' is part of the University's Explorations Series and will be held in building 901, room 411 from 6pm to 7pm. With falling iron ore and coal prices and declining mining investment, Australia's mining boom is fading. Dr John Edwards will discuss the future for jobs, incomes and growth, and where we are now headed in the Australian economy. Dr Edwards is a member of the Board of the Reserve Bank of Australia and non-resident Fellow at the Lowy Institute. He is Adjunct Professor at the University of Sydney School of Business and the John Curtin Institute of Public Policy at Curtin University. For more information and to register please visit here.

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