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Apply now for 2015 CSU CUP education grants
Schools and relevant community organisations in the Dubbo area are invited to apply for the first round of the Charles Sturt University (CSU) 2015 Community-University Partnerships (CUP) Grant Program. The first round of grants is for the Rural and Regional Education Development Program category which replaces the former 'Schools Development Grants' category and now includes early childhood. Head of Campus at CSU in Dubbo, Professor Jeannie Herbert, said, "At Charles Sturt University in Dubbo we're committed to working with our local and regional communities, and offering these grants to schools and early childhood centres is a great way of doing this." Applications for CUP Rural and Regional Education Development Program category close on Monday 31 March.
local_offerCharles Sturt UniversityTeaching and EducationHigher education
CSU Orientation Week in Dubbo
Up to 100 new students will commence at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Dubbo when Orientation Week starts on Tuesday 24 February. CSU lecturer Dr Patricia Logan will welcome students on behalf of Head of Campus Professor Jeannie Herbert, who will be in Perth as a member of the steering committee for the National Empowerment Committee that reviews initiatives implemented for prevention of youth suicide. "One of the special features of the Charles Sturt University campus in Dubbo is that it is small and it's welcoming, a place where you will quickly meet your fellow students and the staff," Dr Logan said. "Students may arrive here on their own on 'their first day', but they are not walking 'alone'. They are part of an extended community which shares a common goal; that is, to support the realisation of their degree so that both they and the community in which we live benefits." Special guests at the commencement ceremony on Tuesday 24 February include the Mayor of Dubbo, Councillor Mathew Dickerson. Mr Luke Lawrence, President of the Dubbo Student Committee, and Mr Simbarashe Dudzai, O Week coordinator in Dubbo, will also welcome the new students. CSU anticipates approximately 90 to 100 new full-time students on campus for courses in 2015. They will be joined by approximately 189 returning students. The schedule of events includes:Tuesday 24 – 10.30am Market day, followed by the official commencement ceremony at 11am, then a barbeque, information sessions, and at 6.30pm free ten-pin bowling and pizza dinner.Wednesday 25 – 9am School welcomes and information sessions, 12.30pm a SRC barbeque, and from 6.30pm a trivia night with prizes.Thursday 26 – 9am Course symposium day, followed at 7.30pm by a Hawaiian Luau night at the Commercial Hotel.Friday 27 – 11am sports day at multi-purpose centre on campus. More details can be found here.
local_offerCharles Sturt UniversityCSU studentsHigher education
Skill Fix workshops at CSU in Dubbo
The Charles Sturt University (CSU) Future Moves program will host a Skill Fix workshop in Dubbo for Year 11 students from five regional high schools on Tuesday 11 November. Students from high schools in Peak Hill, Dubbo (Senior), Trangie, Trundle, and Wellington will attend CSU in Dubbo to learn tips and tricks for study and HSC/university preparation. Ms Kristie Daley, school outreach officer at CSU in Dubbo, said, "The workshops typically include sessions about learning styles, writing skilfully, effective internet research, stress management, note taking, exam preparation, and time management. This on-campus experience reinforces that tertiary education is a realistic goal and helps to consolidate preparation done within the school, as well as adding insights into tertiary level preparation. Student leaders reflect on their own journey from Years 11 and 12 through to university, the approaches that worked, and the challenges and hazards that may have impacted on their studies." The Skill Fix days are part of CSU's Future Moves program. Future Moves was developed to encourage aspiration for higher education among students in rural and remote NSW. By introducing young people to the world of university study they are able to connect with the benefits of a higher education and are then encouraged to engage in school for a more successful transition to a further education.
local_offerCharles Sturt UniversityCSU studentsHigher education
Future Directions workshops at CSU in Dubbo
Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Dubbo will host regional high school students to explore ideas for their future at a day of exciting interactive Future Directions Workshops on Wednesday 5 November.Up to 50 Year 9 students from schools in Tottenham, Trangie, Narromine and Trundle will spend the day on campus participating in a selection of workshops to give them first-hand experience of university life and a memorable university experience. Students will participate in two hands-on 90-minute Faculty-based activities delivered by CSU personnel from disciplines including paramedics, nursing, art education, communication, and theatre/media. They will also explore the University library, enjoy a tour of the campus and residences, and will have lunch in the student dining room. The students will finish the day with a question and answer session led by the student leader team who understand the transition from school to university. Ms Kristie Daley, CSU School Outreach Officer with Future Moves, said, "Events like Future Directions day are a great way to start a conversation with students about the idea of future aspirations for further education. After their workshop experiences students are often heard to say, 'I never considered university, but now I really want to go'."
local_offerCharles Sturt UniversityResearchHealth
CSU’s 25 years celebrated in Dubbo
Staff and students at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Dubbo will mark the 25th anniversary of the University with a celebratory birthday cake on Thursday 9 October. Head of Campus at CSU in Dubbo, Professor Jeannie Herbert, said, "Over the past 25 years Charles Sturt University has expanded from a three-campus regional institution to a national and international university with campuses and study locations in NSW, the ACT, and northern Victoria. It delivers quality education to more than 38 000 students from across Australia and around the world either on-campus or by distance education. Charles Sturt University is unique because it shares with its communities, common goals and aspirations for the future, and the past 25 years has shown that the University is committed to growing our communities through education and research well into the future. The University has always retained a strong commitment to meeting the needs and aspirations of our rural and regional communities, and we seek to provide improved educational outcomes and lives for Indigenous, regional, rural and remote Australians. We strive to be a University whose courses, graduates and research help our regional communities to thrive and prosper economically, socially and environmentally." The celebratory ceremony will be at 12.30pm Thursday 9 October at Explorer's at CSU in Dubbo.
local_offerCharles Sturt University
University Council meets in Dubbo
The 15-member University Council of Charles Sturt University (CSU) will meet at the campus in Dubbo on Thursday 18 September. The University Council, which is akin to a board of directors with the Chancellor as chairperson, meets on a CSU campus six times a year. The visit of Council to the campus will also provide an opportunity for staff and students to farewell the Chancellor, Mr Lawrie Willett, AO, before he retires from his 12-year role at the end of 2014. It will also be the last meeting for retiring Deputy Chancellor, Ms Kathryn Pitkin. Mr Willett has presided over a significant era of growth for the University and was instrumental in establishing the School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, the School of Dentistry and Health Sciences, and in the push to establish a rural medical school at CSU. The University Council will consider matters to refresh the University strategic plan (2011-2015) in light of the recent regulatory reform to NSW universities legislation to cut red tape and the federal government's higher education reform agenda.
local_offerCharles Sturt UniversityHigher education
CSU students sleep out for street swags
Students at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Dubbo will have the support of Vice-Chancellor Professor Andrew Vann and Dean of Students Professor Julia Coyle during a sleep out on Tuesday 16 September for Swagtember. The sleep out in the University's Multi Purpose Centre will be held from 7.30 pm to 7.30 am with approximately 20 students expected to raise money for the not-for-profit organisation, Street Swags. Similar events will be held by students at CSU in Albury-Wodonga, Orange, Port Macquarie and Wagga Wagga throughout the month. Supported by CSU's Office for Students, the students will raise money for Street Swags to purchase swags for people unable to find accommodation. A range of activities have been organised to keep students entertained during the sleep out including music, movies and a barbecue breakfast.
local_offerCSU students
NAIDOC at CSU in Dubbo
Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Dubbo will mark NAIDOC Day (National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee) with a special presentation on Tuesday 9 September. Aboriginal activist Dr Gary Foley will be the guest speaker on the topic 'Black Power from 1968 to 1972'. Dr Foley was instrumental in setting up the Aboriginal Tent Embassy on the lawns of the old Parliament House in Canberra in 1972. Mr John Nolan, community relations officer in the Office of Indigenous Affairs at CSU in Dubbo, said, "We're delighted that Gary will be able to join us to speak of his experiences and reflect on progress since that time and the many obstacles that remain. We're also pleased that this address will be available by video conference to staff and students on other Charles Sturt University campuses." Other activities start at 10am Tuesday 9 September at CSU in Dubbo, including a barbeque lunch organised by the Indigenous Student Centre. Dr Foley will speak between 1pm to 3pm.
Tony McGrane CSU scholarship gains extra support
The special dinner to raise funds for the Tony McGrane Foundation Scholarship for students at Charles Sturt University (CSU) in Dubbo has been boosted by the donation of a painting to be auctioned at the event on Monday 15 September. Mr Geoff Wise, Chair of the Tony McGrane Scholarship Organising Committee, said a painting by widely acclaimed Australian artist Mr Rex Newell has been generously donated by Sainsbury Automotive, Dubbo. "All proceeds from the auction will go directly to the Tony McGrane Foundation Scholarship to support students from the Orana Area to meet their study costs," Mr Wise said. "Local fundraising and donations are generously supported by the University Foundation to provide at least one scholarship annually."The majority of tickets for the limited seating dinner have already been sold. Anyone interested in bidding for this painting is urged to promptly contact Ms Christine Stewart at the University on 0417 299 782 or chstewart@csu.edu.au to secure an opportunity to participate. Mr Rex Newell will personally deliver the donated painting to Sainsbury Automotive, Dubbo, on Monday 1 September, where it will be on display in their Honda showroom until the evening of the dinner on Tuesday 15 September. He will be available in Dubbo for interview on Tuesday morning 2 September. Another of his paintings will also be available for sale.
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