CSU students shine bright on agricultural horizon

20 JUNE 2017

Ambitions for careers in agriculture burn bright for four CSU students who've been named 2017 Horizon Scholars.

Ambitions for careers in agriculture burn bright for four Charles Sturt University (CSU) students who've been named 2017 Horizon Scholars.

Veterinary science student Ms Alice Mitchell and three agricultural business management students Ms Renae Bice, Ms Emily Sinderberry and Ms Emily Walker have won Horizon Scholarships.

The scheme is an initiative of the national Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation in partnership with industry sponsors to support undergraduate students enrolled in an agricultural-related university degree.

It includes $5 000 a year for the length of the degree, professional development workshop and mentoring and an annual industry work placement organised through an industry sponsor.

Hailing from Takone in North West Tasmania, first-year student at CSU in Wagga Wagga, Ms Mitchell aspires to a career as a veterinarian in the Australian dairy industry.

"The Horizon Scholarship will allow me to travel further for University work placements and increase my learning opportunities.

"It takes the pressure off needing to work and study and eases the financial strain of my higher education on my family. Skills-wise, it gives me the chance to meet people in the agricultural sector, work with Dairy Australia, and gain a greater understanding and insight into the dairy sector."

Meanwhile, studying a Bachelor of Agricultural Business Management through CSU online is Ms Sinderberry from Condobolin in Central West NSW.

"The Horizon scholarship provides an excellent opportunity to improve my professional skills and allows me to do annual work placement each year in the grains industry, which will provide me with loads of opportunities to network and gain new skills.

"It also provides a lot of financial assistance to help me purchase text books, attend residential schools for my degree and meet other study costs."

Ms Sinderberry hopes to secure employment in agribusiness management within the corporate sector.

From Bodalla on the NSW South Coast, Ms Bice counts herself lucky to be one of the 2017 Horizon Scholars.

"I'm very excited to be involved in developing my skills, connecting with industry professionals, increasing my first-hand experience of the dairy industry through the valuable work placement opportunities provided by this scholarship." 

"I am particularly interested in a career in the Australian dairy industry and being involved with farmers or working along the supply chain." 

Fellow agricultural business management student Ms Walker, from the town of Tullamore in Central West NSW, said she has a passion for the sector."I have a strong interest in agribusiness as I believe that financial stability and good management are essential in order to be successful in the agricultural industry."

Media Note:

Industry sponsors for the Horizon Scholarships for the CSU students are: Dairy Australia (Alice Mitchell and Renae Bice);Grains Research and Development Corporation (Emily Sinderberry) and Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (Emily Walker).

Photo: (clockwise from top left) CSU students Ms Emily Walker, Ms Emily Sinderberry, Ms Alice Mitchell and Ms Renae Bice.

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Wagga WaggaAgricultural ScienceAnimal and Veterinary scienceCSU studentsScience