Trial tests canola meal for beef steers

27 JULY 2017

CSU research is evaluating the use of canola meal, a by-product of oil production, as a supplementary feed ration for beef steers.

Emma LynchCharles Sturt University (CSU) research is evaluating the use of canola meal, a by-product of oil production, as a supplementary feed ration for beef steers.

CSU Bachelor of Animal Science (Honours) student Ms Emma Lynch (pictured) will present her research at the Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation's annual beef forum on Friday 4 August.

"Pasture growth and quality can be variable throughout the year and supplementary feeding in a grass-fed production system is one way that producers can meet carcass specifications," Ms Lynch said.

"The canola meal we have used is a by-product of oil production and in recent years it's been a cheaper option than the pellets producers often use to supplementary feed their cattle.

"There is an increasing demand for grass-fed beef that complies with the Pasture Fed Cattle Assurance System (PCAS). The advantage of using canola meal, rather than supplementary feeding with a traditional finishing grain diet, is that producers can still meet the PCAS guidelines."

The 60-day trial saw 20 steers fed a supplementary ration of canola meal and another 20 steers fed pellets.

"The steers were weighed every 14 days to compare growth rates and we also collected samples to study the fatty acids in the blood, in particular Omega-3," Ms Lynch said.

"At the end of the trial the steers were slaughtered and we will be assessing the meat quality along with the fatty acid composition of the carcass. The fatty acid data, in particular the amount of omega-3, will provide valuable information that will link with other projects examining human health attributes of meat.

"I hope to be able to give producers more information about the effect of canola meal on live animal performance and carcass quality so they can make better decisions about how to fill the feed gap in their production systems.

"The study will also provide useful information for processors about how canola meal influences the carcass traits of grass-fed beef cattle."

The research is supported by a Graham Centre Honours Scholarship and supervised by lecturer in farming systems Mr Michael Campbell from CSU's School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences and NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) livestock research officer Dr Edward Clayton.

The beef forum at the Convention Centre at CSU in Wagga Wagga on Friday 4 August will run from 9am to 1pm and the cost of $25 includes lunch and morning tea. Register to attend here

The Graham Centre is a research alliance between CSU and the NSW Department of Primary Industries.

Media Note:

To arrange interviews with CSU Bachelor of Animal Science (Honours) student Ms Emma Lynch and CSU lecturer in farming systems Mr Michael Campbell, contact Graham Centre communication and web office Emily Malone 0439 552 385 or email

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Albury-WodongaBathurstCanberraDubboOrangePort MacquarieWagga WaggaAgricultural ScienceAnimal and Veterinary scienceGraham CentreCharles Sturt UniversityResearchCSU studentsScience