Cybersecurity experts at CSU believe Australian
businesses suffering from the latest ransomware attack 'Petya' have not learned
sufficiently from a previous global attack.
A book co-edited and part-written by a CSU legal expert has addressed the complex
challenges faced by courts in Western democracies trying terrorism cases.
using Wannacry malware, national security, and business challenges are hot
topics for cybersecurity experts from around Australia and overseas when they
meet this week in Wagga Wagga, NSW.
A CSU academic
will address the youth detention Royal Commission in the Northern Territory tomorrow Friday 2 June to voice her concerns about children in out-of-home care
and the justice system.
CSU researchers have been awarded a national grant
to investigate why the Australian welfare and justice systems are turning some
of the most vulnerable children into criminals.
A CSU intelligence expert has welcomed the forthcoming
review of Australian intelligence agencies as vital for addressing the ever-changing
international security environment.
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