More awards for CSU Engineering building
Monday, 17 Jul 2017The architect firm ThomsonAdsett has been recognised at this year's NSW Architecture Awards for their work on CSU's Engineering building in Bathurst.
CSU academic wins National NAIDOC Scholar of the Year award
Monday, 10 Jul 2017A CSU academic striving to improve the health of Aboriginal communities has been named the 2017 National NAIDOC Scholar of the Year.
Launch of first-of-its-kind Report on Islamophobia in Australia
Sunday, 9 Jul 2017Australian Muslim women who ventured out on their own were almost three times more likely to face harassment of an islamophobic nature.
New Planning Dean for the MDMS announced
Thursday, 6 Jul 2017CSU and La Trobe University have announced the appointment of a nationally and internationally recognised expert as the new part-time Planning Dean for the Murray Darling Medical School.
Regional Training Hubs for doctors only part of the solution
Tuesday, 4 Jul 2017CSU and La Trobe University have welcomed as a step in the right direction the federal government's announcement yesterday that it has secured agreement to offer new clinical training opportunities in rural and regional Australia.
Hard lessons still to be learnt: CSU cybersecurity experts
Thursday, 29 Jun 2017Cybersecurity experts at CSU believe Australian businesses suffering from the latest ransomware attack 'Petya' have not learned sufficiently from a previous global attack.
New book explores theories of indigenous politics
Wednesday, 28 Jun 2017A new book by a CSU academic is the first comprehensive integration of political theory to explain indigenous politics.
Research to improve lamb survival
Tuesday, 27 Jun 2017Research at the Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation is investigating if adding calcium and magnesium to the diets of pregnant ewes can boost lamb survival.
Young Gun title for CSU wine science graduate
Tuesday, 27 Jun 2017A CSU graduate is among the best new winemakers in Australia in 2017 after being named a winner in the Young Gun of Wine Awards.
Survey into eating habits of Australian horses
Monday, 26 Jun 2017A landmark survey by a CSU student aims to shed light on the eating habits of Australian horses.