Overcoming challenges to gain a degree
Sunday, 25 Sep 2016CSU student Ms Shelley Thompson, who is legally blind, is showing that having a disability doesn't mean higher education is out of reach.
Hot August nights signal return of ETS: CSU expert
Wednesday, 21 Sep 2016A CSU climate change expert has predicted Australia can no longer avoid having an emissions trading scheme to help address climate change.
Living, learning and leading sustainably at CSU
Tuesday, 20 Sep 2016The leadership and vision of CSU in environmental sustainability has been recognised as the University is named a finalist for a state-wide Green Globe Award.
Latest review of intelligence agencies welcomed: CSU expert
Tuesday, 20 Sep 2016A CSU intelligence expert has welcomed the forthcoming review of Australian intelligence agencies as vital for addressing the ever-changing international security environment.
National research centre helps free trading barriers
Wednesday, 21 Sep 2016A national customs research centre based at CSU is helping to free up trading barriers for global exporters, including in Australia.
National teaching honours for CSU academics
Wednesday, 14 Sep 2016Federal government awards for teaching excellence to four CSU academics highlight benefits for CSU students and future generations.
CSU student engineers top NSW universities
Thursday, 15 Sep 2016The design of a system for composting organic food waste in an African refugee community has earned a major gong for four engineering students at CSU.
Poorer health outcomes for rural people 28 years in a row
Wednesday, 14 Sep 2016The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) has again reported in Australia's Health 2016 that 'Australians living in rural and remote areas tend to have lower life expectancy, higher rates of disease and injury, and poorer access to and use of health services than people living in major cities'.
Respect for Elders through art
Tuesday, 13 Sep 2016An award-winning film by a CSU student will take centre stage at a new art exhibition about contemporary Wiradjuri and Ngiyampaa cultures.
Premiere screening of The Front Line: the Indigenous university student experience
Monday, 12 Sep 2016CSU will next week launch The Front Line, a powerful video that explores the Indigenous student journey first-hand.