Church engagement develops social capital for immigrants
Tuesday, 28 Jun 2016A CSU researcher has identified that church engagement for recent immigrants upholds a sense of wellbeing and develops social capital.
CSU welcomes Rural Health Commissioner promise
Wednesday, 1 Jan 2003CSU welcomed the announcement that the new role of Rural Health Commissioner will be created if the Coalition wins government.
Pasta on the pulse
Sunday, 26 Jun 2016A CSU research student has taken inspiration from the International Year of Pulses and her personal love of pulses to create a new food product.
Research boost for early childhood education and care
Thursday, 23 Jun 2016A CSU academic has been awarded a research fellowship with a leading national organisation to improve high quality early childhood education and care for all children.
Australian constitution needs major overhaul: CSU law expert
Wednesday, 22 Jun 2016A CSU expert on constitutional law believes Australia's voting system is unfair, government ministers have poor accountability and the country offers limited protection for human rights, and has called for comprehensive reform of the Constitution.
Australian first for CSU journalism students
Wednesday, 22 Jun 2016CSU journalism students have created what is believed to be the first-ever interactive electoral map in Australia that visually reveals the marginal status of each electorate.
New senior appointment to CSU’s RIPPLE
Tuesday, 21 Jun 2016CSU has announced the appointment of a national leader and senior executive from the not-for-profit sector to one of its six research centres.
Coalition won’t fund rural and regional medical school
Wednesday, 1 Jan 2003The Liberal / Nationals Coalition Campaign Headquarters has confirmed there will be no funding announcement for the Murray Darling Medical School by the Leader of the Nationals, Barnaby Joyce, at the National Press Club today.
More than just chips: what are you getting with your fish?
Tuesday, 21 Jun 2016A CSU scientist has identified the need for more research into seafood safety to protect the health of Australian consumers and workers in the local fishing industry.
Federal election Facebook debate a watershed
Monday, 20 Jun 2016The trust that we place in our social media networks might just be the difference between winning and losing an election, according to a CSU academic.