Date set for Port Macquarie campus completion
Monday, 28 Sep 2015Completion of the new CSU campus in Port Macquarie has been confirmed for late February 2016, with relocation scheduled for April 2016.
Low-alcohol wine that tastes good
Monday, 28 Sep 2015Wine that's low in alcohol but big in flavour - that's what people want according to research by CSU consumer sensory scientist Professor Anthony Saliba.
NAPLAN fails children with communication impairment
Sunday, 27 Sep 2015Research from CSU has shown how children with communication impairments fare far worse in the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) than typical children and most have no access to speech pathology services.
OLT Citation for CSU education team
Thursday, 24 Sep 2015A team from the CSU Faculty of Education has been acknowledged for their outstanding contribution to the quality of student learning by the Federal Government's Office of Learning and Teaching (OLT) with a citation award.
Regional community opportunities important to refugee student success
Wednesday, 23 Sep 2015A CSU academic is calling for rural and regional communities to welcome refugees and embrace the opportunity to facilitate positive experiences and high educational outcomes.
Regional areas a place to call home for immigrants
Tuesday, 22 Sep 2015Research from CSU shows how regional areas can be welcoming to immigrants and can offer positive life experiences, contrary to popular belief.
CSU welcomes release of ALP higher education policy
Monday, 21 Sep 2015CSU Acting Vice-Chancellor Professor Ken Dillon has welcomed the release on Monday 21 September 2015 of the ALP's higher education policy, particularly its acknowledgement of the continued barriers faced by rural, regional and Indigenous students in accessing the education and qualifications needed by the modern labour market.
CSU top of the crop
Monday, 21 Sep 2015When it comes to putting their knowledge of grain production and marketing into practice, CSU agriculture students have shown they're the cream of the crop.
Russian interest and influence in Syria
Sunday, 20 Sep 2015The role of Russia in the present conflict in Syria stems from a long history of its involvement in the region, according to a CSU theologian.
How to increase Indigenous business success
Thursday, 17 Sep 2015CSU research has found effective marketing, networking and adaptability to market changes are the keys for success of Indigenous business.